[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 13 points 4 months ago

not good but fuck it we ball

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 9 points 4 months ago

huh I didn't know VOC could just handle it like that. but thinking about it now that makes sense. its not like its loading the whole file into memory, its just reading from the disk

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 12 points 5 months ago

if not fren then why fren shaped

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 10 points 5 months ago

I'd start by installing the apps you're familiar with (even non Foss ones) then moving to Foss app by app. its a lot easier to get used to one thing at once. that being said, graphene and pixel os are both android, so they're really similar. and the web installer makes it near impossible to mess up

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 14 points 5 months ago

and you know that how?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/pcmasterrace@lemmy.world

I made the following parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4ksFHG
Costs 900 USD. I've got 100 dollars extra, what should I upgrade? Or just leave it as is and spend the last hundred on a nicer monitor? This will be a gaming pc. Must be an AMD GPU tho, and the mobo needs to have wifi. Thanks all :)

EDIT: i think imma spend it on case fans. 4 be quiet! SILENT WINGS 4 (3x140mm, 1x120mm) to keep the noise down

EDIT 2: heres the updated list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/strawbee/saved/rzTCrH

added some case fans, nicer ram, a nicer mobo (the first one didnt have usb gen 2 header, need it for the usb c port on the case). I do plan on getting the 7600 XT rather than the 6700 whenever that releases

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/mechanicalkeyboards@lemmy.ml

Im looking to try out some xda keycaps, as i love how they look and also want to mess around with different keyboard layouts. what sets would yall reccomend? They must be 1. cheap (under $50, but lower is always better) and 2. Translucent symbols, as i want my backlight to shine through.

Also i think id prefer pbt to abs

thank you all :)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I use Mullvad, but id like to use TC for some tracker control. However, the way it does that is thru a VPN. how can I make this work? or is mullvads DNS content filtering enough?

Edit: Ended up using App Manager (fdroid) like @badelf suggested

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 9 points 5 months ago

bear easily

submitted 5 months ago by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/foss@beehaw.org

Local send is great, but usually my phone is just on data, so id rather not have to turn it on to send files. running a custom rom so no google local share or whatever. thanks :)

submitted 5 months ago by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/foss@beehaw.org

Theres Dicio, which honestly does all that I need a voice assistant to do, but I have to open the app to use it, I cant just say "Hey Dicio" or whatever. Is something like that possible?

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 11 points 6 months ago

they said goofiest not greatest

submitted 6 months ago by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

To be eligible for things like a GDPR Data deletion request etc, is it enough that I am a citizen or must I be a resident? ty :)

submitted 6 months ago by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Im looking to buy monero privately, and so i want to remove myself as much as possible. the easiest way to buy some on localmonero.co is thru paypal. i was looking to use google voice maybe? just make a new gmail for it? idk tho, what yall think?


The whole point of me making certain payments with crypto is for it not to be attached to my name. obviously the crypto service company has my cc details. whats the most privacy friendly one? ty :)


I'm looking to try out Linux, but I don't want to have to re install all my games for it. I've got a 500 GB boot drive, and a 2tb where all my games are. I'd install Linux on a 250 GB partition of the boot drive. ty all :)

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

purple stove on a pallet?


i set up a webui for qbittorrent and everyting is great, however, i would like for it to sign me out when i reload the page. i can achieve this by manually clearing cookies, but i was hoping for a better way. blocking cookies completely doesnt let me log in. i dont want to clear all cookies upon closing ff either.

using qbittorrent webui with http on firefox

submitted 10 months ago by milkytoast@kbin.social to c/AskKbin@kbin.social

looking for a cheap tablet to chuck linux on and use as a "stram deck"

what models should i be on the lookout for?

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 11 points 11 months ago

all hail The Orb

google maps alt? (kbin.social)

there's osm, but that doesn't have the convenience of being able to just chuck in a place and have it tell me how to drive there, which I need if I'm at a red light and need to know how to get somewhere. ty :)

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 11 points 11 months ago

yeah I'm glad I've kind of let myself play in easy, I enjoy games much more that way

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 10 points 11 months ago

boob is boob. me like boob

[-] milkytoast@kbin.social 11 points 11 months ago

I mean tbf, the majority of Americans don't eat anything aside from chicken pork and beef, with the occasional turkey

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