[-] mii@awful.systems 17 points 1 month ago

You lost, buddy? Points at the sidebar.

[-] mii@awful.systems 20 points 1 month ago

That was a great read.

The point of all of this is to say: the tech utopia fantasy is truly dead to me. The image of the cool, hippie, leftist Silicon Valley tech is wrong.

I feel this in my soul, because I was that leftist hippie who got into tech because he believed all this shit and getting disillusioned over time was just fucking painful and made me hate those goons with a passion.

The straw I have left is that I’m not alone and that more people realize this and we make our own communities again that don’t suck. There’s still a long way to go, and Fedi has its own problems, especially when it comes to kick out the racists, sexists, and other bigots, but I try to stay positive that we’ll get there. At least to a degree.

(I mean, we have Awful and it’s an example that you can keep the bar nazi-free if you want to.)

[-] mii@awful.systems 17 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You guys always come crawling out from whatever rock you’re hiding under for these posts as if someone saying LLMs aren’t smart makes your spider senses tingle.

It would be almost impressive if it weren’t so stupid.

[-] mii@awful.systems 19 points 3 months ago

Oh no! But what happened to We’re not doing it for the money but the good of humanity, and If anybody approaches AGI before us we will shut down and use all our resources to help them instead?

It’s almost as if all of that has been nothing but a load of bullshit from the beginning.

[-] mii@awful.systems 17 points 4 months ago

Follow up for this post from the other day.

Our DSO now greenlit the stupid Copilot integration because "Microsoft said it's okay" (of course they did), and he also was on some stupid AI convention yesterday and whatever fucking happened there, he's become a complete AI bro and is now preaching the Gospel of Altman that everyone who's not using AI will be obsolete in few years and we need to ADAPT OR DIE. It's the exact same shit CEO is spewing.

He wants an AI that handles data security breaches by itself. He also now writes emails with ChatGPT even though just a week ago he was hating on people who did that. I sat with my fucking mouth open in that meeting and people asked me whether I'm okay (I'm not).

I need to get another job ASAP or I will go clinically insane.

[-] mii@awful.systems 17 points 4 months ago

I love it when I randomly get a DM from some dude on Reddit because of a post I made six months ago mansplaining to me why I'm wrong about clowning on AI doomsters.

[-] mii@awful.systems 17 points 5 months ago

Hell, I really hope it’s scraping the comments too.

With what an absolute fucking trash fire YouTube comments are at the moment and Google being suspiciously silent about it, I'm sure that won't cause any issues at all.

[-] mii@awful.systems 22 points 5 months ago

Quick personal sneer: I just had a call with a company trying to sell us their SaaS password/secrets manager solution because we're trying to force everyone to use one instead of using hunter2 everywhere.

Anyway, after going on for 30 minutes about their amazing integrations with every platform on the planet and their super duper security and how their systems are rock solid and never fail, the marketing dude finished off by trying to sell ChatGPT integration as a feature. Not for actual passwords, thank fuck, but in order to quickly produce integrations between their APIs and other systems. He proudly proclaimed that "Usually there's no security issues with just copy-pasting the code from ChatGPT."


[-] mii@awful.systems 23 points 6 months ago

That place is an absolute fucking cesspool.

May I suggest /r/artisthate which is Sneer Club for artists sneering at exactly this type of content, and it’s hilarious sometimes (albeit quite large at this point, so your fair share of doomsday rats have sneaked in trying to co-opt the movement).

[-] mii@awful.systems 20 points 6 months ago

Ok, seriously, this is just Mortal Engines fan-fiction in an oceanpunk AU.

[-] mii@awful.systems 23 points 6 months ago

So this is apparently something AI companies now think is smart to advertise with. Don’t know who’d willingly consider this something targeted at them, but here we are.

[-] mii@awful.systems 22 points 7 months ago

My favorite bullshit test is to have the AI count letters. Something as simple as "How many A's are in this sentence?" will have the thing give you a seemingly random number (which might sometimes even be correct), but as soon as you ask it to list them, it will have a stroke and just make up stuff that makes no sense.

I can't be arsed to make an account with OpenAI or whatever, so here's an example with Bing Chat, but this has worked on every single chatbot I've tested it on.

Another fun test (as suggested by @flizzo last time I brought this up) is to have the chatbot attempt to crack a simple code. Just Caesar cipher something and ask it to crack it. Hilarity will ensue. You can even ask it to encrypt it first and then to crack it for extra fun.

Me: Encrypt the sentence "I am a stupid roided Clippy" with the Caesar cipher.

Clippy: [After explaining what the Ceasar cipher is, which I didn't ask for, thanks] Convert the sentence to uppercase: “I AM A STUPID ROIED CLIPPY”. Let’s apply the Caesar cipher to your sentence using a shift of 7.

  • ‘I’ becomes ‘P’
  • ‘A’ becomes ‘H’
  • ‘M’ becomes ‘T’
  • ‘Y’ becomes ‘F’

So the encrypted sentence is: “PH HT H ZBHTLW YVPLUU”. 😊

Okay, first of all, it dropped a letter. And the shift isn't even correct, lol. It said Y becomes F and then does whatever the fuck.

Okay, so let's give it an easy example, and even tell it the shift. Let's see how that works.

This shit doesn't even produce one correct message. Internal state or not, it should at least be able to read the prompt correctly and then produce an answer based on that. I mean, the DuckDuckGo search field can fucking do it!

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