One guy has already pooped on her driveway

If a woman, trans or otherwise, wants to participate in men’s sports, why not let them?

They are welcome to as long as they are not using performance enhancing drugs like testosterone. The problem has always been when you have men competing against women. Not the otherway around. Women already can try out and compete if they are good enough in the nfl. But none of them are.

Me at the store (
Have kids (

Using twitter to complain about twitter. peak reeek evolution.

Critical thinking is hard (

All the pain it took me to be an adult. The confusion. The rejections. Embarrassment, The work. Endless work. The tricks and short cuts I learned. Like Odin I feel I sacrificed a metaphorical eye , part of my soul ( the part that relates to other humans ) to live with the knowledge I need to understand who and what I am in the universe and survive. And every fucking man MUST go through such a pain to be a man.

But this fuck. This shit stain waste of space. He says no. Gonna wear a diaper and disappoint the millions of ancestors that came before him. Not even gonna pretend to be the man he knows he should be.

It hurts my heart.

Not to far off with a few of them.

I ain't gay u tree bitch (

I hate it. He really has allowed a influx of diverse opinions. Between the overall drop in world wide advertising and Globohomos swarming him it's gotten beat up. Plus twitter is the most replaceable social media. grandmas never used it, you can't use it to connect to old acquaintances.

Yeah twitter was going nuts

What is it that NOSTR can to that the fediverse technically can’t or socially won’t?

Perhaps you've just read my other reply. As I see a upvote. But the answer to this question is that most people cannot run their own instances. So most people have accounts on someone else's instance. that instance admin can decide (On behalf of all their users) That their users cannot read your opinions. They do not have that power in nostr. Because the users can switch backends extremely easy.

but how would a person on a single-user fediverse instance be any more censored than a NOSTR user?

I think to put my answer more simply, yes nostr is still more censorship resistant. Because lets say bans your hypothetical single user instance.

Now everyone on is banned from reading your content.

In nostr the client cannot stop it's users from requesting your content from other relays.

They do not have the power to block thousands of users from accessing your content.

This is odd. I think Library basically went out of business because theirs was considered a security.

They stopped with Mastodon. I believe they only did that for like a few days and only on on a few accounts. After several people quit Elon changed that policy.

Wtf is a Kilometer? (
New community, Nostr blog (

I would like to keep some notes on research I do in my free time on nostr. So i've made a new community.

The side bar has the main problems I think nostr can solve in regards to the lemmy software.

I'll post about what I do and learn along the way of retro fitting nostr to fit the community oriented social media format.

Fire emergency only (

And no one was even home. It was amazon's own automated response.

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joined 2 years ago