[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 2 points 5 hours ago

What you're not getting is that it being that influential is a bad thing and that it's time to pull it from its podium. It's just a religious text and if you're censoring any religious texts, you should censor all of them.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 6 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Fuck that, the wretched thing doesn't deserve special treatment. There is nothing about the contents of the bible that are worth granting exception for. You want to ban adult themes? I can think of nothing more deserving of such a ban than the oldest book to incorporate rape, divinely ordained murder (all over the place), instructions on how to perform an abortion, incest, and the severly mixed message of "god loves everyone, unless you don't worship them, then you get tortured forever".

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

And if I use "I feel" instead of a more concrete assertion, it's clear from context that I don't have any data to back that up off hand and am implicitly making a wider assertion that the people they hyped crypto are the same or akin to the people who are hyping AI.

Feel free to disprove me.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 19 points 4 days ago

They shouldn't be plotted that way technically. The big 5 are independent traits so they should essentially be sliders, not linked like that.

That said, it's way easier to see the points when you do that. Easy to miss when colors swap, for example, without the lines when you've been looking at this stuff for a few hours.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I was using cryptobros as a proxy for the people that hyped AI. I feel like that venn diagram is a circle.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

It's not completely useless, it just not the silver fucking bullet that the cryptobros promised it was. It can do a lot of cool shit, but we keep trying to make it do things it's really not equipped to do.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 12 points 5 days ago

GNU Terry Pratchett

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

To pile on: They don't filter anything, or search anything. They are clever parrots made up of huge streaks of linear algebra. It has no understanding of anything nor interest in doing more than generating sentences that look right given a prompt. Even saying that it has 'no understanding' or 'interest' is giving it too much credit, implying intelligence or decision making capability. It's just ridiculously vast math.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 63 points 3 months ago

Yes, holding a person accountable for their crimes (maybe, jury is still out) is attacking them...

Unless you're talking media coverage. Cause we all know that the media is an arm of the government...

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 70 points 3 months ago

Bullshit. Source or it didn't happen.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 60 points 7 months ago

My money is on zero. They'll comment it out and then turn it back on when no one is looking.


Not a sockpuppet.

I was venting over at !goodoffmychest@lemmy.world about Reddit mods being... Reddit mods. On top of having a good version of offmychest that allows people to be angry at the things that are bugging them, orphiebaby went ahead and made a new community to replace the one I was venting about on behalf of my partner.

Cheers to you orphiebaby! This isn't quite the spirit of the sub as I understand it, but you get praise anyway.


So I stopped generally using Reddit after the whole API thing but my husband still does and we talk about stuff since Lemmy gets the job done.

One thing he likes is to hop on r/freecompliments and participate there.

Well, today he got permanently banned. Why? Because a bot dredged his profile and found that he sometimes participates in porn subreddits. Usually to complement people there, never posting himself. He's pretty ace, so it's rarely, if ever, sexual. But that was enough for the bot to ban him.

They sent a message about how they are sfw subreddit and don't allow users to participate in NSFW subreddits.

He's heartbroken about it. He really likes to be nice to people and it makes his day when they respond to him. Now he can't do that in a sub that's meant for it.

I feel like the site rules have opinions about banning like this, but it's not like the admins give a fuck. So fuck those mods and their puritanical bullshit making at least once persons day worse, for the low cost of a user that was participating in good faith.

And since I'm on a roll, fuck spez

I tried posting this to trueoffmychest to dredge some sympathy for him, since that seemed appropriate and he was good with it, but they don't allow 'anger' or 'impersonal' posts and that got quietly removed immediately. So fuck them too. I didn't realize how far down the shitter reddit has gone.

[-] maniclucky@lemmy.world 63 points 11 months ago

There are a bunch of posts of people recording the admins censoring it now.

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