in my head, you are its no tits.
thanks for this suggestion. like one-time-use cards? nice. this is new to me. i will ask my bank if they offer this service.
guess i can just use my credit card details. i trust the devs more than paypal. hahahahaha. i mean, they have done so much good already.
thanks for suggesting Monero, however i dont use cryptocurrency because we are still very cash dependent where im from.
been using it since the pandemic and it is all good. i started with xubuntu but had problems with R after an LTS update (in 2020 i think). looked for an easy to install xfce alternative - tried mx linux and havent had a problem since.
it has been a while since i read the manga but i think there was a long list of them. there was sand gourd guy for one.
and that is where conflict comes from. some value an imaginary god while others do not. it is idiotic to you, but not to them. again, i was not defending the idea, just the other commenter's example.
maybe half the diameter? because 2*(r/2) = r, which is half the diameter.