[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 2 points 17 hours ago

I swear to you that she will be free one day, but it will only be a matter of time

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 2 points 17 hours ago

There is no doubt that most of the people here hate them very much. I hope that everyone becomes aware of Zionism and their danger, and that they are selfish, and the biggest proof of that was on the day of the hurricane, how no one from the American Zionist government helped them and made them die because they had no money Displacement

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 5 points 17 hours ago

Exactly, we are undoubtedly a minority, but I have complete awareness of what is happening around us, and I am certain that one day we will become a majority because many people have become aware and want a site like this in order to have their freedom to speak and express their entire opinion, which they cannot. They do this on any other site

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago

I thank every person who stands by us and supports our Palestinian cause heart-sickle

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 8 points 1 day ago

I really don't know how to thank you, my friend. You were always with me at all times. Thank you for everything

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 37 points 1 day ago

I really don't know how to thank you, my friend. You were always with me at all times. Thank you for everything

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 25 points 1 day ago

I will always try my friend

سعادتي هنا (hexbear.net)

انا سعيد في وجودي في هذا المجتمع و يعجبني جدا انكم تعرفون حقيقة الصهيونية و ان ادمغتكم ليست مغسولة من رواية الصهيونية، انا فعلا سعيد لانني عندما اتحدث، اتحدث مع ناس عقلاء يعرفون كل شي يدور حواليهم، انني اريد ان اشكر محمد صديقي جدا لانه هو الذي عرفني عليكم و كان هذا شرف كبير لي بمعرفتكم ي اصدقاء و اريد ان اشكركم على كل شي قدمتوه للقضية الفلسطنية

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

Thank you for your humanity, my friend. I spoke with many Americans, most of whom were in solidarity with us. The problem is not with you. The problem is with the American Zionist government.

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 31 points 2 days ago

If you come to the Middle East, you will not be able to go to Gaza because the Egyptian government has closed the crossing. The Egyptian government has also besieged us for 18 years. You know, my brother, if you were a resident of Gaza and entered the Egyptian border unintentionally, you would be killed immediately, and this happened with three people, one of whom was not He has a mind and this is clear to him. He was hitting himself and did not know where he was going. As soon as they entered the border, he was killed. He and two fishermen in the sea. The boat entered the Egyptian border due to the difficult weather and were killed immediately. These things happened before the current war.

Thank you, my brother, for your support. Your help means a lot to me ❤❤

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 43 points 2 days ago

The American government sends hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel from the American people’s money (taxes), and at the same time there are people from the American people who died in their homes because of the hurricane because they do not have enough money to migrate.

[-] mahmoud@hexbear.net 47 points 2 days ago

They hurt everyone, but what makes the pain even more is that you see all of that and are unable to do anything Thank you, brother ♥

Yahya Al-Sanwar (hexbear.net)

Remember this martyr: Hamza Hisham Al-Amer...the elegant fighter He was Yahya Al-Sinwar's companion. They used to fight battles together

Hamas will publish the heroics of Yahya Sinwar by bombing military vehicles and ambushes

The heart grieves and the eyes shed tears over the separation of heroes And if the eye does not cry for you, it will never cry

Allah have mercy on the heroes


انني من مؤيدين النظام الشيوعي وانا احبهم لانهم هم على الحق و يعروفون الحقيقة لهذا العالم الفاسد و يجب ان نقف ضد المشروع الصهيوني في عالم ويجب ان نفهم الناس انه هاد المشروع المجرم الذي يقتل الاطفال و نساء و الابرياء في غزة و لبنان والذي بسبيه فقدت الكثير من اقاربي و اصدقائي وفقدت بيتي و عملي

و ايضا اريد ان اشكر جميع الاخوة و الاخوات على دعمي في قوفوند مي و دعمكم ومساعدتكم لي هذا يعني لي الكثير

واخر شي اريد ان اقول لكم انني اريد منكم ان تقروا كتاب البطل الشهيد يحيى السنوار

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