[-] legofreak@feddit.de 27 points 1 month ago

In Europe GDPR gives you the right to have all your data deleted. All you do is send in a request and SO has to remove everything of yours, not just anonymize it. There are some exceptions for legal reasons, eg where financial transactions are involved, but comments should not be exempt.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 20 points 2 months ago

I don't like Canonical either, hence my recommendations for Mint or Pop being listed first. But let's be real, if someone wants to just get away from windows and wants something that works without having to learn much new, this is good enough.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 31 points 2 months ago

Unironically, switch to Linux. Mainstream distros like Mint, PopOS or Ubuntu are very friendly for casual users, have GUIs for everything and if something does go wrong, the error messages actually have proper meaning and you'll find tons of resources online as well as people willing to help.

Most stuff nowadays runs in a browser anyway, so here there's no compatibility issues, office is available in Linux through libre office and gaming has come far with steam and proton.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 17 points 4 months ago

Both Futurama and Family Guy were cancelled early in their runs in 2002/2003 and only revived years later. Firefly was cancelled around the same time and just never revived.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 17 points 4 months ago

The total mass of reactants in the fusion chamber is below milligram, some of which is bound in stable isotopes. Even if all of it escaped, it would be far from catastrophic.
The reaction itself cannot run away on its own because it requires a delicate balance in temperature and density, which will be immediately disturbed if there was a breach in containment.

The walls will be activated by neutrons, but short of blowing the reactor up, there's not much chance of materials escaping in a significant amount to pose a danger.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 31 points 4 months ago

If anything has been consistent about fusion its always them desperately trying to spin babysteps and monumental leaps forward

That's usually the media outlets sensationalising the results to the point where the articles are grossly misleading.

trying to make themselves seem super clean and safe especially compared to fission.

That's just a fact, no need to try. The Fusion process is inherently safe the radioactive byproducts are generally short lived and easier to handle.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 21 points 5 months ago

Just holding out until more organised help can arrive or your government takes over. This is also in general good advice in case of say natural disasters. Roads may be flooded, areas covered in snow or electricity is out for a few days. Having enough canned food, water, maybe some firewood or alternative means of cooking will come in useful in these circumstances.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 47 points 9 months ago

In 2022, it was ruled that the BfV may classify and monitor the entire party as a suspected right-wing extremist group. A corresponding lawsuit by the AfD was dismissed because "there were sufficient factual indications of anti-constitutional efforts within the AfD".[36] On 26 April 2023, the BfV, after four years of investigations into the Young Alternative for Germany, categorized that group as a confirmed extremist organization. This allowed the chief of the BfV Thomas Haldenwang to place the youth wing under even more intensive surveillance than the tapping of phone and the use of undercover agents that had been the case until then.[45][46]


Just summarizing here. They are right wing extremists that have taken over old Nazi talking points and are gaining popularity with anti immigration, anti climate change and populist propaganda.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 17 points 10 months ago

Numerphile hat dazu vor einiger Zeit zwei Videos veröffentlicht, welche das ganze schön illustriert wird. Der Channel ist generell sehr zu empfehlen:

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 43 points 10 months ago

Mir persönlich hat diese LK-99 Nummer etwas die Überzeugung von Südkoreanischen Forschern genommen. Aber wer weiß, vielleicht ist hier ja doch was dran...

Man kann doch nicht einfach alle Forscher eines Landes so über einen Kamm scheren. Selbst wenn sich das LK-99 paper als falsch oder nicht replizierbar herausstellt, kann man damit keine Rückschlüsse auf diese Veröffentlichung ziehen.

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 21 points 11 months ago

It's a non-issue meant to deflect from real problems. It's also summer, so there's nothing going on and the news are blowing everything out of proportion.
Analysis of the whole thing (in German):

[-] legofreak@feddit.de 24 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


  • Bei der Qualität hebt sich Barilla kaum von der Konkurrenz ab. Im Labor wie alle anderen Nudeln top, geschmacklich landeten die beliebten Pasta in unserer großen Blindverkostung aber auf dem letzten Platz.
  • Das Unternehmen ist beim Nachhaltigkeitsthema dank Zugtransport und spezieller Weizenzüchtungen für Vertragsbauern auf dem richtigen Weg. Bis zum Ziel einer komplett nachhaltigen Produktion ist es aber noch weit.
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