site-native ads, yes.

other ones that aren't even closely relevant then no.

personally this news is amusing for me.

i understand the nostalgia behind it, but everytime i see he-man, the song and skeletor memes immediately pop up.

[-] 41 points 2 weeks ago

to abide by certain rules governing character behavior in order to protect the franchise and consumer products sales.

TIL that superheroes are also obligated to fight against 4rth wall problems

[-] 42 points 2 months ago

"super fancy protons" is special in its own

but boron is specialer.

[-] 59 points 2 months ago

The boss is quite in touch of how modders work.

Thomas the tank engine better be in there.

[-] 187 points 3 months ago

Finally some news about the first human trial.

The part about them not issuing regular progress reports since day 1 (a month or so ago) is, how these doctors put it, concerning.

Apart from that, I think jumping from monkeys to human experiments when the success rate is low feels either rush work or some high person in charge decided to go all-or-nothing.

[-] 52 points 3 months ago

Hey Sugar, which of these pics have traffic lights on them?

bots gotta help each other

[-] 50 points 3 months ago

whoever put that "reject all"s are mandatory should be getting praised.

it would suck to individually reject those 797 "partners".

[-] 45 points 6 months ago

Thank you, florida woman.

Florida man has been dominating the eccentric-wild news segment but I see you have stepped up for the cause.

[-] 55 points 7 months ago

ads will be considered as individuals and cancelling ads is analogous to manslaughter at the least.

what a great time to be alive~!

[-] 58 points 7 months ago

I feel the current AI crawling bots + "opt-out your data" tactic is ingeniously evil.

[-] 52 points 7 months ago

She knows it is serious boss battle mode so she needs that rgb for the extra performance boost.

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