[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 21 points 1 week ago

Reminds me more of a kkk hood

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 months ago

Thanks! I'm sure most of these cheaper handhelds are going to work basically the same for transmitting.

I think one of the bigger AliExpress sales is later this month, spring sale or something? I've been leaning towards the Quansheng mainly because of all of the custom firmware available. I didn't realize it could pick up NOAA alerts. Have you played with the spectrum analyzer?

The TD-H3 also has a pretty wide receive range and a nice looking screen (annoying text printed on the side of the screen though...would have been better left blank)

submitted 3 months ago by kethali@lemmy.ca to c/amateur_radio@lemmy.radio

I currently have a pair of Baofeng UV-5R radios, looking to add to my collection. Just for local range. I've been looking at the Tidradio TD-H3, Quansheng UV-K5, Baofeng UV-17R Pro, and Radtel RT-470X. They each have features that sound good but I can't decide which to get out of these options.

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 5 points 9 months ago

I remember borrowing it from the library back then (well, a few years later anyway), it still sticks in my mind!

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 8 points 9 months ago

Using the arrow keys to go to the entry and pressing shift+delete works for me

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 7 points 9 months ago

The Jeffrey Combs panel is a great one

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 2 points 10 months ago

Thanks! Looks like I already bought it on Steam at some point in the past though :)

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 6 points 10 months ago

It's showing me $28.74 to remove ads in Canada right now (maybe more than the 26.25 mentioned due to tax % difference)

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 6 points 11 months ago

I started this one in the middle of my 7 day camping trip last week. Maybe a quarter of the way through right now. Good so far, the first King book I've rear since around Gerald's Game somewhere.

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 3 points 11 months ago

Never thought about that before, but it looks delicious.

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 4 points 11 months ago

I like that clicking on Next actually starts at the top of the page for me now instead of in the middle somewhere

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 2 points 11 months ago

On my current instance since Jun 4, I can't even remember if I had joined a different one before that or not. Beginning of June at least. Basically abandoned R* at that point.

[-] kethali@lemmy.ca 4 points 11 months ago

I'm pretty sure I used one that was terminal based, likely using ncurses. Without searching, I can't recall the name of it, though.

I used XMPP a bit among friends, more so when Google supported it, which was probably after ICQ/AIM/MSN wasn't as popular? I don't really talk to many people anymore, so whatever, heheh :)

It would be nice to see XMPP make some kind of "comeback" ... or some sort of popularity boost like mastodon/lemmy/etc in recent times.

submitted 1 year ago by kethali@lemmy.ca to c/music@sopuli.xyz

Any genre, any era - what are some of your favorite live songs ever?

One of my favorites definitely has to be Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb

submitted 1 year ago by kethali@lemmy.ca to c/newfoundland@lemmy.ca

It's great for keeping forest fires at bay, but I'm getting pretty sick of all this rain!

I'm planning on some camping trips this summer, and I'm just hoping the weather is nice for those days. I just booked some provincial park campsites for week-long trip at the end of July, one park had just two sites left for the two days I'm planning to be there. I'll just have to eat the reservation/change fees if the weather ends up being horrible by then. You can't really leave it for the last minute and hope there is an available site, unfortunately.

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