How about lowering the cost to prevent stealing? No way in hell an iphone cost 1200 eur to make. Plus since they make "the best hardware and software" everyone will want one and this will increase pressure on competitors to improve their products aswell.

I don't think he is a "tech bro scam guy", i think he is worse like he is smart and has a documented track record of lying. Unlike other tech bros, he actually knows the capability /limits of his products and he still lies and makes it out to be something it's not.

They put open in their name to get good talent, investments and so people would have a soft spot for them when they collect tons of data to build their product.

Their internal chats that were released in musk lawsuit reveals they knew they were gonna switch to for profit model (they here means the top brass). But they still lied to everybody about their intentions.

[-] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

#Capiltalism #OnlySystemThatWorks #BlessedToBeACapitalist

Does p2p over i2p require port forwarding? I have a cheap vpn (surfshark) that does not have port forwarding and i am almost never able to seed over it. Will seeding over i2p require port forwarding?

What an anti-semite, she literally came in front of the bullet and then died to make israel look bad.

Kimcartoon is gone :'( (

Just tried to open the url, it says "The site is closed for good due to DMCA. Thank you for all your support over the time!"

Do not betray your own tribe brother. After all, why shouldn't we get 27000 cats?

Nope, you're thinking of taliban. But there is a new ISIS (ISIS-k for khorasan) now who is actually an enemy of taliban (part of afghanistan comes under khorasan and ISIS-k claims that they should rule it.

Both are classified as terrorist groups but the key difference is Taliban focuses more inwards while ISIS is globally terroristic. Like that threat in taylor swift concert was ISIS.

Historically talibans have always wanted to rule their own country while ISIS has wanted to rule over the whole world by creating a caliphate and sticking to a very extremist version of islam.

If I'm not wrong, the whole conflict with Taliban started when US asked them to hand over Osama bin laden, afghan people said no because he was their guest and culturally afghanis go to extreme lengths in their hospitality (like they take offense if you don't eat in their house, or in this case, they would fight with their life to protect their guest) so basically US declared war on afghanistan and talibans (early freedom fighters) were formed. But over the years they have become much more terroristy (is it even a word?) and violent, such as their attacks in Pakistan for supporting US and so on.

Morally talibans are slightly better than ISIS.

It has a lot of black magic and jinns in it, which are quite consistent with islamic mythology. The horror hits you differently if you have heard stories about it in your childhood.

I mean for me, i can shrug off almost anything with "yeah right" but when it comes to islamic mythology, i kinda believe in it so it's more scary.

I'm actually working on a startup idea that is exactly this. But i get lazy sometimes, it has been in a "just a couple more weeks and it's ready" state for a few months now. Maybe ill share it with you once i manage to finish it

No you are confusing them with witches

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