[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

Definitely don't want the extra complexity. Guess my question is if there is a third type of statement (function, method, ____) or maybe even more. From other replies it doesn't sound like it.

[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

Follow up question. Are there any other ways I would find the length? Or are methods and functions the only options?

[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

Agree about the romances in BG3, they feel pretty shallow. While I can maybe see your point about the writing in general what I think makes BG3 great is that it felt like playing tabletop dnd. New bad guys every week, silly fights and absurd coincidence, maps with minimal markers and characters that are there for the party to use to progress as heros (biggest thing to me that didn't feel like tabletop dnd was having to loot every box VS just saying I searched the room).

Haven't played other CDPR games. Guess I don't need to bother lol.

[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

I read them all at once and it's been a while but overall I enjoyed them. Definitely felt like it went on longer than maybe it needed to which is probably why I didn't bother with the short stories. I would still recommend the books.

[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 0 points 10 months ago

Profit/number of employees...

[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

I bet you are fun at parties. But really, you are correct and I might actually stick around at that party.

[-] joshthewaster@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Less tools and dishes in favor of better tools and dishes - at least, better for what you cook. Less stuff means less clutter per cabinet means easier to keep organized and easier to grab something when you need it. Knives and spoons/spatulas are a big one - there just isn't a time that I need three sizes of large spoons or a 12 piece knife set. I have 2 metal spatulas, one flexible one stiff. Three knives, small medium large (and could reduce this to two). How many mixing bowls do you really need? Minimal dishes - I keep some extras out of the kitchen in case of guests but a dozen place settings day to day is too many. Anyway, if you have more than one of something really think about the use case and if you have items that you haven't used in months/years just get rid of them or store them in an overflow cabinet so you can get them out for the one holiday. This also reduces the amount of things that can end up dirty at one time.

No stacking (except identical items or small things like measuring cups). Ideally I can grab anything I need with one hand. Because I have less stuff than I could fit I have room for a shelf of unstacked mixing bowls (two sizes) - when I need one (or need to put one away) I don't have to deal with unstacking/sorting them. Same for large measuring cups, dishes, glasses, pots and pans, etc. Exceptions for me are baking dishes (only have so much room and I use these less) and some other specialty rare use items.

Urgent needs go closer to the prep areas and stove. When I need a spatula or something right this second to keep something from burning those are close by. Baking supplies are far away because if I need those I'll get them all out at the same time before I start. This is really specific to you. Pay attention to what you really use and how and sort accordingly.

Don't worry about perfect organization. I have a drawer by the stove/prep area with my spatulas, tongs, spoons, food scissors, etc. It has dividers in it but nothing has a 'place'. The dividers at least keep everything pointing the same way but it's a sparse junk drawer - I can see everything so it doesn't matter if it's jumbled a bit. Same for most of my cabinets - if I can see it and get it with one hand that's good enough.

If at all possible the triangle of stove/fridge/sink with prep area next to all of those is ideal.

Overall my current kitchen is pretty good. I have some cabinets I'd swap for drawers if I had a bit more room. I'd like to reduce a few things but it is fun to have some extras for special things (specific ramen bowls, unique coffee mugs to rotate through, a waffle maker). Extra storage (maybe in the pantry) would be good for larger less used things but I don't have that...

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