I thought I was going to use Authentik for this purpose but it just seems to redirect to an otherwise Internet accessible page. I'm looking for a way to remotely access my home network at a site like remote.mywebsite.com. I have Nginx proxy forwarding with SSL working appropriately, so I need an internal service that receives the traffic, logs me in, and passes me to services I don't want to expose to the Internet.

My issue with Authentik is if I need to access questionable internal websites I have to make an Internet accessible subdomain. I don't want authentik.mywebsite.com to redirect to totallyillegal.mywebsite.com. I want it to redirect to

Is there anything that does that?


I've gotten to the point where I have more than a few servers in my homelab and am looking for a way to increase reliability in case of an update. Two problems: 2 of the servers will be on Wifi and one is a Synology NAS. I can't do any wiring but I can put together a WiFi 6E network for the servers only, That means buying 4 Wifi 6E devices in a mix of types. As for Synology, it's container manager is a little odd so I expect to run a Linux VM and use that as my cluster node. That may mean buying more RAM as I haven't upgraded it. Hardware ranges from a 6 core CPU on the NAS (with a few important docker containers), 8 core on my main SFF server (which also runs my OpnSense VM inside Proxmox), 16 core Ryzen on my old big server, and a 10 year old NUC for fun. So the question is what do I use to orchestrate all the services I have. My Vaulwarden runs reliability but only on one system. I want better reliability for Pihole that automatically syncs settings. The NAS' docker implementation doesn't support gravity sync. Since everything I do runs in docker besides storage it seems Proxmox clusters is not the best option. That puts me between K8s and Docker Swarm. I'd like something that is simple to administer but resilien when hardware fails.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 14 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I had previously run HA on a Raspberry Pi with Z-Wave, Sonoff, and some Hue, years and years ago. After searching for a Zigbee (since that seems to be the current standard and I'm starting over) adaptor that was HA compatible, I saw they offered their own hardware. After 18 months of waiting, I figured it would "just work." Anyway, I reimaged over USB-C and it's working. I'll definitely do a backup before doing my first software update now that I have something to lose.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 16 points 7 months ago

I had to reimage through serial/USB then the Raspi OS properly downloaded the current image. Thanks for the links getting me in the right neighborhood.


I bought a Home Assistant Yellow from the Home Assistant people so it would just work. It came with an old software version and demanded an update. 9.x to 10.x went fine. It demanded another update. 10.x to 11.0 and it's bricked. No HTTP. No SSH. No factory reset.

This is disappointing. At least I didn't even have a chance to set anything up, so things work just as well with it dead.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

As I recall, when I turned off location tracking my time zone would be wrong. It's frustrating that you lose out when protecting your privacy.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

The rabbit hole took me from Airtable to Baserow (which I have up and running but with the built in DB) but now need to make a viewer for the people. So the next step is visualizing the events list and filtering by day and whatever is needed to get useful info from the DB.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

Thanks. Some screenshot of a tweet isn't a source, but what you posted was.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

Is there a source that doesn't require me log into Twitter?

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

Upvote for Pebble. It was the best of all time. I could operate the buttons without even looking.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

Pebble Time. It was the best ever until the battery swelled. My Fitbit Versa 2 was good until the battery gave out. My latest Fitbit has worse software with less features than the last and I hate it. There are no apps available anymore.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

So some news outlets get to protect their precious little articles from the big bad AI, which will probably destroy news as we know it anyway

I was thinking about this. What happens when all the big outlets are having AI write their news?You can't get answers on today's news without feeding the model today's news. Therefore, somebody has to create the data source.

I see a few scenarios:

  • Google scrapes, aggregates, and summarizes to the point that nobody reads the article/sees the ads and the news site goes under. Then Google has nothing to scrape but press releases and government sources. Or...
  • News sites block access to scrapers and charge for it but may be wary of crossing their customers (news aggregators) in their coverage
  • The above creates a tiered system where premium news outlets (AI assisted writing but with human insight) are too expensive for ad supported Google to scrape, so Google gets second tier news from less reliable, more automated sources, or simply makes it themselves. Why not cut out the middle man?
  • Rouge summarizers will still scrape the real news outlets and summarize stories to sell to Google. This will again make paid news a luxury since someone with a subscription will summarize and distribute the main point (okay) or their spin (bad).

I'm failing to see where this will go well. Is there another scenario?

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

When I heard the Fairphone 4 didn't have any waterproofing I decided to skip this version. My coworker is replacing their Samsung S10 just because the USB port is getting loose but they're an avid boater. For some, water resistance really matters.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

I ordered a 870 EVO 4TB since all the time spent on self hosted has been eating up my NAS storage.

[-] johnnixon@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

I love Obsidian and have been using that for meeting minutes and study notes and even pleasure reading book notes. And homelab notes but things are always changing and I fall behind. But this is there to replace a shared paper book at the front desk. My users need more drop downs and less markdown.

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