[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 3 points 5 hours ago

Why do you think that? A quick glance at the sticker for the air heater at the top of the pic is a surge giveaway that it is NOT AI-generated.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 7 points 5 hours ago

"Biden wins the election. Here's why that's bad for Biden."

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 6 points 1 day ago

She self-imploded her own primary campaign, so no.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 1 points 2 days ago

Doesn't matter when there won't be another election to spend it on.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 64 points 2 days ago

Maps. There's still unfortunately nothing better.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 1 points 4 days ago

RIP anything made of linen.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 0 points 4 days ago

Bro has never owned a piece of clothing made of linen in his life.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 54 points 3 weeks ago


Went under about two years after the crowdfunding. Guess people didn't want to pay $2 a pop for chilled and filtered tap water.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 40 points 2 months ago

I think you're confusing her with Nancy Pelosi.

Elizabeth Warren has introduced legislation to prevent members of Congress from trading stocks.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 87 points 3 months ago

This feels like a hasty "solution" to an invented "problem". Sure, Wikipedia isn't squeaky clean, but it's pretty damn good for something that people have been freely adding knowledge to for decades. The cherry-picked examples of what makes Wikipedia " bad" are really not outrageous enough to create something even more niche than Wikia, Fandom, or the late Encyclopedia Dramatica. I appreciate the thought, but federation is not a silver bullet for everything. Don't glorify federation the way cryptobros glorify the block chain as the answer to all the problems of the world.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 161 points 9 months ago

Google is not a search engine. It's an advertising service. Their whole business model revolves around a critical mass of eyeballs, which flock to free services. This will never happen for the average user.

[-] joenforcer@midwest.social 43 points 9 months ago

The same reason people aren't going for Lemmy.

Aside from the fact that the Fediverse is an incredibly confusing concept to the average user, those same users are entrenched and connected to everyone they already want to be connected to on the same platform. Until they are essentially forced to move, they'll stay on Twitter. The people on Lemmy and Mastodon right now are a tiny but vocal minority compared to the massive userbases of the platforms they abandoned.

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