As consumers we need to only eat chicken labeled "pasture raised" or just don't eat chicken. Our husbandry practices in the US are an abomination and it is making us and the environment sick.

They need to put these in all of the gyms in the cardio equipment. Just think of the power they could store.

More deflection. How about we investigate her ties with Israel. Maybe this would explain why she's able to get away with her blatant insider trading practices. Its a mystery how she manages to stay in office.

[-] -2 points 4 months ago

We need better choices. People in general are searching for justification to support their forced illogical decision of who they vote for to lead our fragile country. Its a sad state of affairs.

We burned coal for heat on the coldest of nights when we lived off grid on a ranch in the mountains of colorado. We only used it if we absolutely had to as its super stinky, dirty and gross. We would get maybe two or three big chunks a year that weighed maybe 1-2 lbs. You can go up into the mountains and see the huge mountains of coal from the mines that have shut down. There are also rows of of coke ovens in monument canyon (used in the 19th century to turn coal into smelting iron)

Lets many times have we heard this rhetoric? This is typical election year bs.

Toss in insider trading and we're pretty much screwed. We the people can't compete.

Toss in insider trading and we're pretty much screwed. We the people can't compete.

His parents pressured him to join. He then became disgruntled and left - for 50 years- then he returned for the sake of raising his family. Sort of like when people join the army to support their families. This is the story....

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