[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 7 points 14 hours ago

Oh totally. But they don't sync that information "immediately". Nor would they ever want to because then the user would know that's where the information came from.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 44 points 19 hours ago

Looks like you got phished. Doubt that was the real bank site. Suggest you change your passwords if you logged in to that site, too.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

In my opinion, the difference with Google is that Google is actively using your data and you're giving them a lot of it. For Cloudflare, what do they have exactly? Depends on what services you use, but really all they get from me is the list of servers that connect to my domains. Google does that too if you use, or if you have any of their hardware that overrides router DNS settings like Chromecast and Google TV.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

I'm slowly moving away to open source, self-hosted applications where possible. Changed search to a combination of Gibiru and Yep. Email to a mailcow server I host on a vps, and I'm moving photos to an Immich server I'm setting up. Home Automation is next, I have a Raspberry Pi 5 to act as the Home Assistant server. And a few other projects in the works to split from Google as much as I can and mostly it is all better.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

I mean it depends on the intensity of the surge, but basically you'd be making it so your PSU is unable to protect the devices from surges. The more sensitive the electronics, the more critical the ground is and CPUs are pretty darned sensitive among other things. And depending on the type of components in the PSU, "surges" also include things like inrush current. Basically, when you turn on a transformer or certain other devices, there is a surge of sometimes as much as 10 times the rated current to create the initial magnetic flux. Depending on the components, this excess energy may end up getting shunted to the ground to avoid pushing it through your electronics. So if it can't do that, you likely will blow fuses a lot when switching the power on (hopefully there are fuses), or if you're touching the case which is supposed to be grounded, you may end up getting that jolt.

Anyway, without grounded outlets, and especially if your electronics are cheaply made because many expect there to be grounding and don't build in extra components to deal with not having a ground, you are likely to significantly reduce the life of your electronics, your life, or start a fire without even considering major surges. If you have a high-end PSU, you may never have a problem until that surge happens. How stable is your power? Because even a normally small surge combined with a cheap PSU, and no ground, is pretty likely to end up in damage to electronics at the best case.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 30 points 3 days ago

Yeah good message, but permanently ruining something that benefits society is not the way. Spray painting a wall is fine, but a book is not. You're just doing the job of fascists for then when you destroy knowledge.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Just clean it up. Wear gloves and a mask to prevent anything getting in your body. Just be careful about what cleaning products you use to prevent releasing dangerous gasses and do it in a ventilated room or outside. But I would recommend that for any battery or strong acid or base or other reactive chemicals, not just lead containing ones.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

I've never seen any math that disproved that. Now if you're looking at actual federal income tax paid, maybe, but social security tax is based on income, it doesn't get reduced by often fraudulent deductions and credits. So a lot more income is taxable under social security tax than federal income tax which is laden with loopholes and complexities. So when Jeff Bezos in 2007 paid $0 in income tax, he likely would have paid tens or hundreds of millions in Social Security tax if there wasn't a cap, because he did have income. Of course, we aren't legally able to get the actual numbers because of privacy laws, but there have been some leaks recently if you want to see some of the numbers.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 28 points 5 days ago

Because computers have come even close to needing more than 16 exabytes of memory for anything. And how many applications need to do basic mathematical operations on numbers greater than 2^64. Most applications haven't even exceeded the need for 32 bit operations, so really the push to 64bit was primarily to appease more than 4GB of memory without slow workarounds.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 47 points 5 days ago

Or eliminate the cap on the tax so they actually pay their fair share. That would fix all the problems that Social Security and Medicare have in an instant.

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

Automate as much as possible. I rsync to both an online and home NAS for all of my hosted stuff, both at home and in the cloud. Updates for the OS and low level libraries are automated. The other updates are generally manual, that allows me to set aside time for fixing problems that updates might cause while still getting most of the critical security updates. And my update schedules are generally during the day, so that if something doesn't restart properly, I can fix it.

Also, whenever possible I assume a fair amount of time for updates, far beyond what it should actually take. That way I won't be rushed to fix the problem and end up having to revert to a backup and find time later to redo it. Then most of the time I have extra time for analyzing stats to see if I can improve performance or save money with optimizations.

I've never had a remote provider just suddenly vanish though I use fairly well known hosts. And as for local hardware, I just have to do without until I can buy a replacement. Or if it's going to be some time, I do have old hardware that I could set up as a makeshift, temporary replacement like old desktop computers and some hardware that I use for experimenting like my Le Potato that isn't powerful enough for much, but ok for the short term.

And finally I've been moving to more container-based setups that are easier to get up and running again. I've been experimenting with Nomad, Docker Swarm, K3s, etc., along with Traefik and some other reverse proxies so o can keep the workers air-gapped for security.


Looking for an invite for DrunkenSlug. Thanks in advance if you have one to spare!

[-] irotsoma@lemmy.world 149 points 10 months ago

Firing for relatively small mistakes just means people will cover up mistakes in the future leading to them causing serious accidents. People who make mistakes learn from them and not only rarely make that mistake again, but help others learn from that mistake.

I'll happily admit when something is my fault. And I'll document and implement changes that help prevent it from happening not just to the teams I lead but as much of the company as I can influence.

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