You still come in to work tomorrow, right?

[-] 10 points 2 weeks ago

The way you put it, I would hardly even call it a democracy. Or let me rephrase that. It's a democracy but a really broken one.

So the system would have to be fixed. And of course that won't happen because it would damage the parties that would need to fix it. Yea... really complicated.

But at least locally, it should be fine to vote for 3rd parties. I see many seats there. You should try to get the choice in the places you can. (as long as the small parties aren't even worse, of course)

[-] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I don't have the feeling it's just this server. The opinion I also always get on other Social Media is that everyone who votes for a 3rd Party in the USA is seen as an idiot by most people.

But isn't that a big problem? This way, you always have to vote for the least bad outcome. Because as far as I often read, both aren't that great. If everyone only votes for these two Partys, I would hardly actually call that a democratic choice, and you keep this Problem going and going this way. Nothing could ever change.

Yes, as a silent 3rd Party voter it's impossible to change anything. So you would need to have speak up. Speak about this problem. In my View, Americans are shooting in their own leg my hating everyone who is voting for something different.

Wouldn't it be better to have a third, or heck even a fourth party with seats?

In Germany, our Government even is always formed by two parties together. I think this is really good. This way, one single ideology doesn't have too much control over everything.

[-] 12 points 2 weeks ago

I'm not from the USA. We have many Parties here, so maybe I'm out of touch a little.

But is it really that bad to vote some small 3rd Party? I think it's a big problem for Democracy if you only look on the two big parties. Yes it's completely unrealistic that a 3rd party gets enough votes to be the Government, but why be part of this Problem? And isn't a Vote for some small party STILL better than a vote for Trumps Party? Where is the difference to that my 0,001% goes to the Democratic Party or a smaller party? It's still 0,001% less for Trump.

Also, I just checked this Wikipedia Article: And based on this list, some small parties actually have some seats and even have some mayors somewhere. So it seems like the vote is not 100% wasted.

Isn't it better for Democracy to look on ALL parties?

The Party in Germany I'm a member of sadly lost their Seat in the European Parliament this election, but this will not be a reason to just give up. Even with only one single seat, the party actually did much Important work. So I will not move to a bigger party now. I will talk to many people and advertise my party and try to get us back on a seat next time.

Like I said, maybe I'm missing something in USA Politics. I don't know much about your system. Could someone explain to me why it's such a hated move to vote a 3rd Party in the USA? From my European viewpoint, I don't see why not. I'm here to understand.

[-] 129 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I'm from Germany and the Nazis were 2nd strongest Power.

And they were even 1st strongest Power in the entire old GDR.

Would not call that “beating” yet. And maybe I'm not up-to-date about the Netherlands, but my latest info there was that the Far Right also won many votes again.

So still really shit times. When looking on the German Nazis they grow and grow.

[-] 34 points 2 weeks ago

Oh Sinking Bavaria was something personal. Every German understands him. That had nothing to do with the Votes.

[-] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Hello Sir, it's Stephen from IT,

Sir. Please reboot your PC before you ever even think about giving us a call.

Hope to never hear from you. hangs up

ich🐇iel (
[-] 151 points 3 weeks ago

I don't get it. Where is the joke. (Seriously, I'm lost)

[-] 35 points 3 weeks ago

You provided no reasoning but I choose to just believe you. Thank you wise person in the Internet.

[-] 21 points 3 weeks ago

Right above your comment.

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