I'm pretty sure landlines are mostly VoIP now, at least in Canada. Every home phone plan I could find (with picurest of old people of course lol) were VoIP based, which also allows small competitors here to at least have some phone options, because the big companies don't have to sell bulk prices of their cellular towers to smaller competitors.

So that they can say they have a better screen on the marketing, because they know damn well the actual UX will be inferior, so they need a selling point

[-] independantiste@sh.itjust.works 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I want to go back in time to when I didn't know it so bad, the first half is slow, but when it starts oh does it get GOOD. Everything is so good in this game, even if I was spoiled the ending, it didn't even affect what the ending made me feel. >!Like I'm really not the type to cry in front of movies and stuff, but after a 50 hours adventure, i actually felt sad.!<

Hahaha that makes it even more humiliating if it happens

Love the project, but I would really like if they stopped looking like a bootleg iOS. Stock android is fine, especially after Material 3. Also the name is annoying to type in an URL bar.

In 2021 I ordered from mi4canada, they were legit at the time, shipped in about a week

I wonder how often it happens but I don't want to have this in my browsing history...

Ok, as much as I do not like the esthetics of the new cosmic DE, this is really cool, and it looks like a very good middle ground between Plasma's over complexity and GNOME's over simplicity!

I got a 128GB dual connector usb-c/usb-a drive, and installed ventoy on it. I have my normal files and for my ISOs I simply put them in the ventoy folder. It works really well.

Oh wow, kind of like apple puts an M chip in iPads now, maybe a throttled version of a Snapdragon X chip could be used to make a phone. Didn't think of that but that would be very cool


Why is my hair smooth and soft compared to the other hairs?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by independantiste@sh.itjust.works to c/linux@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/17545984

Hey there, I don't know if any of you noticed something similar recently, but I have noticed my cursors have gone HUGE, like 2x what it should be at least. I think this is related to the affected apps using a beta version of Libadwaita 1.6, but I just wanted to confirm here before I create an issue in the repo. I use 200% scaling, GNOME 45, Fedora 39. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks!!

How it should look (in Pods, firefox and most other apps)

How it looks in Ptyxis

How it looks in Adwaita Demo (latest update, which bumped the libadwaita version to 1.6)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by independantiste@sh.itjust.works to c/gnome@discuss.tchncs.de

Hey there, I don't know if any of you noticed something similar recently, but I have noticed my cursors have gone HUGE, like 2x what it should be at least. I think this is related to the affected apps using a beta version of Libadwaita 1.6, but I just wanted to confirm here before I create an issue in the repo. I use 200% scaling, GNOME 45, Fedora 39. Does anybody else have this problem? Thanks!!

How it should look (in Pods, firefox and most other apps)

How it looks in Ptyxis

How it looks in Adwaita Demo (latest update, which bumped the libadwaita version to 1.6)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by independantiste@sh.itjust.works to c/games@lemmy.world

Rockstar has revealed the GTA 6 trailer earlier than expected, probably because it was leaked on Twitter. I think it looks amazing!!

I can't wait to see what the community does with the images and what we will know almost for sure before the release

r/protonmail (sh.itjust.works)
r/dinosaure (sh.itjust.works)
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