[https://liberatedtexts.com/reviews/imperialism-and-the-deep-state-in-peter-dale-scotts-the-road-to-9-11/](happy 9/11)
Probably gonna butcher what Max Ajl said about this in his two-part article, but the whole magnification of the "Israel lobby" not only serves to obscure the role of American imperialism. It's also a way to absolve UAE and the gulf state's role, right? Which is why Al-Jazeera produced that documentary...
- Nationwide Blackout Hits Venezuela for Second Time, Far-Right Opposition Allegedly Responsible
- From Engagement to Advocacy, Doom Scrolling Won’t Stop the Gaza Genocide
- Nicanotes: Nicaragua: cooperation, not conspiracy - Alliance for Global Justice
- West Bank Resistance Launches Operation Terror of the Camps
- “Beauvoir and Belle: A Black Feminist Critique of The Second Sex” – Book Review
https://www.idcommunism.com/2024/08/the-bankruptcy-of-international-left.html Communist Party of Paraguay, which never held power under siege conditions, wants critiques Venezuela's policies under siege conditions.
On resources about communes in Venezuela, Chris Gilbert has written a few long-form articles on Monthly Review and a book called Commune or Nothing! Venezuela’s Communal Movement and its Socialist Project.
Yes! Thank you, I've been looking for it for a while!
Does anyone have the really long Twitter thread on Yemen? I think it started from 20th century all the way to present day and posted by either Aldanmarki or Aryjeay. I remember it being posted on the news mega around the beginning of the war.
Don't know much of anything about DRC politics other than the Lumumba coup but fwiw there's these two articles on their communist party https://anti-imperialist.net/blog/2024/04/04/interview-with-boswa-isekombe-sylvere-secretary-general-of-the-congolese-communist-party/ https://anti-imperialist.net/blog/2024/01/25/what-does-the-congolese-communist-party-pcco-want/
One Israeli goon mentioned their anniversary of genocide celebration getting cancelled. Get fucked on one hand, also featuring: settlers yelling like Mario Kart characters.