[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 6 points 1 week ago

Thank you!

Also changing diapers is not hard at all. You get used to it after second change. It becomes boring task you do not think about - like going to the toilet yourself.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 35 points 2 weeks ago

I could not agree more about my wife! She is totally awesome and I really love spending time with her. We are constantly goofing arround. I had a crush on her since we have been 14 and started dating. Now 10 years together we are married and got our first kid. I could not be happier.

She is just changing diapers right now and I am thinking how lucky I am to have her.

I also believe actively trying to have positive/wholesome view on a world helps a lot.

This is why I really like this community.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 10 points 2 weeks ago


submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by hostops@sh.itjust.works to c/matrix@lemmy.ml

Edit: Question based on DMA: element.io/blog/the-eu-digital-markets-act-is-here/

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

One should not use boolean just because variable has only two states.

I believe when you use boolean when enum should be used is called "boolean blindness".

Eg: isFemale instead of enum Sex {MALE;FEMALE} It also gives you an option to simply extend code if requirements change and there are more than two options.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 35 points 2 months ago

Well thank you! I can see there is much more to it than just "coloring your face to match skin tone of character you are trying to represent". The coloring itself has been historically used as a racist act.

So I get it now. My question now reads as "What is wrong with swastika - old symbol for sun" or something like that.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 7 points 2 months ago

Well there is ALWAYS pessimistic and optimistic view on everything. But I do not mean naive or stupid. I mean optimistic.

Pessimist: "It makes no sense to improve my situation, because I will fail! I will not even try." Stupid: "Things are not bad. Nothing to change here." Naive: "Things will fix themselves." Optimist: "Well things may be bad, but we can, and we will fix them."

So to answer your concrete questions:

  • unhabitable planet: lets vote for green parties, lets push for green energy. Results will not be immediate, but we will get there. Yes it will get hotter a few degrees and will cause some weather problems. But we can fix it.
  • fascist government: Vote for better, join movement. Or if things are really extreme in your country. Move to a democracy.
  • money problems: you can change your job. Yes it can be very hard, but If you really try (improve your cv, reeducate yourself, change profession) you can get really good jobs. You can learn sales and be really good salesman with very high pay without ever going to college.
  • social issues: go out, meet new people, join some class, start a hobby.

Yes I know mentioned things can be awfully hard to achieve. Buy you can achieve them. One by one. As to why bother? You do not have to. But that is the beauty of it. You can try to improve things as many times as you want. It will be hard, but things can be way better.

If nothing else I would bother to fix my life (and the world) just for the sake of curiosity. To see how good can life actually get.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 8 points 4 months ago

TLDR: We should make a browser extension where you assign points in what percentage projects get your predefined monthly donations.

So this will be a long text...

I have thought about this problem a lot. If we can have means to build necessary momentum I am all for that and would like to contribute.

I thought about it in a broader way. As to how to monetize content on the internet without ads (open source projects, creators, journalists), in a way we maximize collective good. It may be worth noting I was thinking it in terms of the new internet - Web 4.0 together with tools like ipfs, veilid, and new wave of web browsers (web 1.0 - protocols, 2.0 - platforms, 3.0 - crypto scams, 4.0 - something better, p2p, private...)

I placed highest focus on how to fairly monetize this web 4.0, since I believe the right monetization is the crucial point. If we put only donate our free time (max 2h a day) to projects things move slowly. But imagine what can be done if I am allowed to work 8 hours a day on eg. foss.

I have concluded that few things must have hold true:

  1. Donator decides on who gets the money.
  2. It must be very very very very simple to donate and to decide who gets the money.

I can propose one solution i am the most confident with. It would be a browser extension (or even better to be integrated in browsers by default).

  1. First you set how much you would like to donate. (I played in my mind also with option to make some minimal donation - eg 1% of minimal salary in your country - may even be necessary as a subscription to internet content)

  2. By default the sites (maybe preapproved sites good for community) get percentage of your donation proportional to your views.

  3. You can explicitly set some (or all) sites to have higher percentage directly in from address bar by single click. Eg. I visit Linux webpage and I can click a button and set it to 20% of my donations. All the other donations then move proportionally to remaining 80%.

System based on (maybe even forced) donations changes whole behavior of monetization.

You start paying for what you believe in, and not for what you need.

And I believe this is the one of most important goals we can have. So people will have the highest incentive to work on stuff that makes the most good.

Also another note on forced donations: In Slovenia you can decide to put 1% of our taxes to non profit organizations. And this works.

If you read through that. Thank you! I believe my ideas have many flaws. So please comment and we can debate them.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 6 points 4 months ago

This is markdown thing. Lemmy supports markdown formatting.

Like this

or like this.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 5 points 5 months ago

It must have been "Do you mind?". And absurdness of hunting alone. Also i see nothing interesting on choice of female protagonist. Contrary to popular myth, women hunted together with men (based on evidence of broken legs) and had no strongly separate roles (like women being gatherers and men hunters).

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 5 points 5 months ago

Slovenians never commited genocide.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 5 points 7 months ago

If you can live without it, I would say no. They have awful pricing for families. And they have a history of cooperation with governments to leak their users' data.

[-] hostops@sh.itjust.works 6 points 9 months ago

Ugly people.

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