[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 0 points 1 day ago

The problem is that if a country treats money as unlimited and without a cost then inflation will mirror that and people in that country will lose their savings, their job will not pay for their bills anymore and so on

It's not as simple as "just spend more"...

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 6 points 1 day ago

The problem is that "both" isn't a valid option unless a country has unlimited finances.

Otherwise you have to decide on what's the most feasible option and then renewables win big time

I sometimes feel as if the current push for atomic is from the fossil-lobby as they are aware that it either works and they get 10-20 more years to sell oil until the reactors are built - and even if it doesn't work out it still will slow down rollout of renewables

If you have 100 billion to spend on energy producing you have to choose if you want to go all-in with one source or split it up which would move the end of fossil fuels Back further

Not to mention having to buy the radioactive materials from dictatorships and having problems to cool down the reactors with rising temperatures and rivers running dry

I just don't see how atomic isn't a huge gamble that can backfire hard (and I'm not even talking about catastrophic events like Fukushima)

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 6 points 2 days ago

It weighs more and definitely could use a lot less space on the road and costume less fuel if it didn't grow to this size but stayed small and with less weight

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 17 points 3 days ago

And still some see the US constitution as this pinnacle of democracy when it's vastly outdated by now

Even the founding fathers anticipated a lot of reforms and for the whole thing to become obsolete quite soon but yet here we are with people worshipping them as this infallible being and weighting their words on a scale as if it's impossible for them to be wrong

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 5 points 4 days ago

The problem is that newspapers were kind of the only means to get the news in a concentrated form - now they are obsolete since everyone gets their news pretty much live and when the newspaper would be out the next morning it's already old

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 3 points 5 days ago

No of course not - some are just falling for the Republican plants

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 24 points 5 days ago

After years of not being successful with the hunter biden story trumpists are probably celebrating with how easy it is to turn people away from biden by just throwing shit about the Israel war at him to make it look as if he's somehow responsible for it...

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 52 points 4 weeks ago


"Genocide Joe" seems like the perfect republican plot to make people abstain from voting because the deliberately leave out how Trump would make matters 100 times worse.

Biden is constantly challenging Netanyahu while Trump would deliberately hand them a full and permanent occupation of Palestine on a silver plate.

People already forgot that it was trump who moved the embassy to Jerusalem basically destroying the USAs support for a two state solution?

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 55 points 1 month ago

Also observe how those "replacement in race" people are completely silent on the 3 body problem show that made pretty much all of the Chinese characters from the book into westerners

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 156 points 2 months ago

Someone desperately wanted to make a negative headline...

So what? I don't know the artist, her fans probably where there to hear that song, terrorists don't deserve to keep influencing the future happiness of people with their actions...

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by hannes3120@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/8716422

Meine Freundin (Fernbeziehung) hat ihren Job und damit auch ihren Wohnort gewechselt weshalb ich einige auf Monate vorrausgeplante Fahrten storniert habe. Aus diesem Grund habe ich jetzt 7 Unterschiedliche Gutschein-Codes mit verschiedenen Beträgen.

Ich habe erst versucht einen Bahn-Gutschein dafür zu kaufen um aus den vielen kleinen Codes einen großen zu machen aber zum bezahlen von Gutscheinen kann man keine anderen Gutscheine verwenden.

Dann habe ich versucht eine (günstige) Fahrt mit allen Gutscheinen zu kaufen im Hoffen die Differenz als großen Gutschein zurück zu bekommen und dann beim Sofort-Storno einen zweiten kleineren Gutschein aber stattdessen wurde nur die kleinstmögliche Anzahl an Gutscheinen zum Bezahlen genutzt wodurch nur 2 Gutscheine ungültig geworden sind und ich habe aber einen neuen mit der zu viel gezahlten Differenz bekommen.

Beim Sofortstorno habe ich dann aber 2 Gutscheine zurückbekommen (den kleinsten genutzten Gutschein komplett und den größeren anteilig abzüglich der differenz zu dem neuen den ich beim Bestellen bekommen hatte) und habe jetzt sogar einen Code mehr als vorher.

Wieso gibt es keine Möglichkeit die Codes im Nutzerprofil zu hinterlegen dass die automatisch genutzt werden wenn es möglich ist?

Hat irgendwer eine Idee wie ich damit umgehen kann außer mir ne Datei mit allen noch offenen Gutscheincodes an zu legen?

submitted 4 months ago by hannes3120@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 74 points 4 months ago

They don't want it to work well. The worse the situation is for the average citizen the easier they are to be influenced by propaganda as most people tend to look for a strong leader in times of need.

A previous spokesman of the AfD is on record saying that "the worse the situation for Germany the better it is for the AfD"...

[-] hannes3120@feddit.de 86 points 4 months ago

Is he outspoken anti-gay? Then it's pretty likely to be his boyfriend with how every accusation is a confession with conservatives these days...

submitted 11 months ago by hannes3120@feddit.de to c/politik@feddit.de

Die Verkehrsverwaltung setzt unter Rentnerpartei-Senatorin Manja Schreiner neue Prioritäten auf den Straßen. Neben Radwegen ist die Einrichtung von Tempo 30 betroffen.

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