everyone knows scholars lead to education and education leads to a “woke” populace that doesn’t put up with this bullshit. gotta keep everyone dumb as bricks …

Not when it comes to fascists, no.

Wait until he starts talking about how he didn’t do anything, it’s fake news generated by AI. He’ll say the hands are all wrong. They aren’t tiny

Don’t be Nazi shit-stirring trash here, please.

Rotflol. Thanks for attending my TED Talk.

Yeah, if you look at the backend re: things like Apple blocking tracking data it’s clear marketing can very much exist without a ton of metrics. You just have to be creative with the advertising. It also helps to be solid on the content and placement, ie where people are receptive to messaging.

Because it’s likely theater …

I have been told I have a dad bod and it does not look like Starlord. It does look like Andy Dwyer at his fattest, lol

That’s how I found Reddit. Digg platform fucked around and found out. I hope the same for Reddit.

[-] grizzledgrizzly@sh.itjust.works 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am 46 and started my career in tech but now work in another industry. I think it’s people with inquisitive minds rather than an age demographic. If there is something new and cool to check out in tech and it’s easy enough for busy people to understand I am all over it.

Link is so non-binary

Also the bean memes are not helping 🤣


I don’t know what I’m doing…

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