submitted 1 week ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/technology@lemmy.ml
[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 46 points 1 month ago

I actually found the tone of the article (which is in tune with the title) quite refreshing, to the point that I read it all despite the fact I couldn't care less about cars :)

IDK about the US press (I live elsewhere) but sometimes I feel the news could benefit from more candidly opinionated articles like this one and less professional-sounding pieces crafted to influence the readers' opinions instead of informing them of the writer's.

submitted 1 month ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

After years of my desktop environment (kde) being configured the same way, I tried enabling auto-hiding in my panel and I quite like the extra screen estate.

Now, the only reasons why I have a panel in the first place are the clock and the system tray (I don't use the ~~start~~ applications menu and I don't care for the task manager) so I've started wondering if I could completely dispose of the panel.

Do you know of any launcher (I use krunner but switching to something else is fine) that satisfies (or can be configured to satisfy) the following?

  1. shows the current date/time
  2. integrates a system tray
  3. launches applications
  4. does math, unit conversion and currency conversion
[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 28 points 1 month ago

I can't wait for chatGPT to learn it should answer every disjunctive question with "por que no los dos?"

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 39 points 3 months ago

capitalism in a nutshell

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 47 points 3 months ago

Creepy tracking, less functionality than the old alternativeto.net (also less content, but of course content takes time so that's understandable), plus desperate-looking "enroll to our newsletter" and "advertise" pleads. Looks like a cheap attempt at making a couple bucks to me.

submitted 4 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/nix@programming.dev

While updating home-manager I got a notice that freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01 is marked as unsafe.

Since chances are it's used by something I never use, I'd like to know what I'm using that depends on it... any idea how to do it?

Also.. any idea why I have 4 copies of the freeimage stuff in my /nix/store? (I just run nix-collect-garbage -d and the 4 seem to be actually different):

❱ md5sum /nix/store/*freeimage*/lib/libfreeimage.a
67a0ce1cb5dd562473e27d7c88e8a9bd  /nix/store/6gi6hm57zngqnxb6p5dnxhjjcbr96lrk-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a
5995e0affbfa28b63da7e997cb4dbe63  /nix/store/09nwykzzksc0zknflsyxyah5b67c2rsn-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a
67a0ce1cb5dd562473e27d7c88e8a9bd  /nix/store/ikfiv4gpmcpyir7lsj45by653qcnvgyx-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a
213a408e3c1fbb5dfa4491deebe05984  /nix/store/q2sc85f2hclgwl8m3qdw8rpbs44gzmah-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a
[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 48 points 5 months ago

It's not like a judge said it's illegal... what happened is that a huge multinational company sent a menacing letter to a developer regarding their hobby project, and the developer —understandably— decided to comply.

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 50 points 5 months ago

User: "I have to waste my whole life fixing this" Dev: "you are complaining that you have to spend a few minutes"


[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 64 points 5 months ago

To me, saying "wayland breaks things" is putting it backwards: at this point, it should be "[thing] still doesn't work on wayland".

submitted 7 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I've been looking for something to replace the google chromecast that is attached to our TV.

I've tried Kodi out, but the main use case for the TV set is a 70+ yo person watching netflix and there is just no way they will be better off with Kodi than with the stock netflix app.

Besides supporting netflix, being easy to use, and providing significantly better privacy than the chromecast does, the device would ideally:

  • support other mainstream streaming (amazon, disney, ...) for when my people get tired of netflix
  • support a DVB-T2 usb stick (directly, or through IPTV: I can put the stick in a different machine)
  • support youtube without ads (through an adblocker and possibly sponsorblock, or maybe using invidious)
  • possibly, support local public TV streaming (eg. BBC)

I have a PC set aside that should be more than capable enough (intel N100), but I'm open to getting new hardware if needed. Also, it doesn't matter if the system is not very user friendly to setup (eg. if it needs to be nixos), but once it's setup it should be easy to use and relatively straightforward to update/maintain.

I guess a FOSS android TV would be ideal, but.. is there any? (I see Lineage supports the Google ADT-3, but that is basically unobtanium, at least where I live).

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 103 points 7 months ago

Death warrant? Maybe, but I expect companies (maybe not the EU, but - let's be frank - probably the EU too) to go back into X as soon as they feel they are done cashing in this virtue signaling.

There were plenty of reasons to leave twitter before this idiotic tweet from Musk (reasons due to twitter's action as a company, and not just Musk's drunken posts) and they were all happily tweeting and advertising.

Is this drop that breaks the camel's back? Maybe, but I wouldn't be holding my breath.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

The app at my gym sucks: there is no checklist of what exercises you have done and no tracking of how much weight you used. Plus, for whatever reason, it wants access to my location.

I've found a number of alternatives on F-Droid, but each of the six or so I tried was completely unusable (some seemed unfinished alphas, others are probably too old for my android version).

Is there one app that you use and would recommend?

What I'm looking for is:

  • At home: I setup my programs (different ones for different days)
  • At the gym: I can select a program, check off the exercises while I do them (the order I do them on depends on where there is fewer people at the gym), and log things like if I managed all the sets/reps, how much weight I used, and how long I exercised for (for things like the tapis roulant).
  • Bonus points if I can also track my weight in the same app, and if the app can export/sync the data or produce some kind of graphs/statistics based on it.


submitted 8 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

This may be OT since strictly speaking it's about hardware... I trust it is ok to post it given the spirit of the community, but have my apologies and feel free to remove it if it's not.

I'm looking to replace my old Bose QC25, since they have recently died (after a long a fulfilling life), but it seems everything nowadays is bluetooth (which I don't mind) and require some proprietary app to turn ANC on/off (which I do mind... are physical buttons/switches become too expensive to include in your overpriced earbuds?).

Anyway... do you know of any headphones/earbuds that meet the following?

  1. can be powered via wire or have batteries that last 12+hrs (long-haul flights)
  2. have decent noise cancelling
  3. don't require me to install a apps or can be used with some open source app (possibly with full functionality and straightforward to setup)
  4. are not overly expensive (I have to buy 2 pairs and I'll only use them a few times a year when I fly)
[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 214 points 8 months ago

Didn't you know? Disabling ad blockers ensures free speech and apparently may also peacefully end the current crisis in the middle east... oh, did I mention it helps with world hunger too?

submitted 9 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

Is there an extension that warns you when you are wasting time reading ai-generated crap?

Case in point, I was reading an article that claimed to compare kubernetes distros and wasted some good minutes before realizing it was full of crap.

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 26 points 9 months ago

The really important sosftware gets ported to all the platforms

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 131 points 10 months ago

He said “Well thats what it says in the textbook so I have to mark it wrong”

The mark of a great teacher. It's nice however that he had the patience to wait for your experiment (or maybe he was expecting it to fail miserably?): no prof of mine would have went along with something like that (not to mention, I'm pretty sure we couldn't take apart the lab PCs at our leisure).

submitted 10 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/nixos@lemmy.ml

I need to generate a number of scripts in my configuration and make them into a single package (for ease of reference, because there are a lot of them).

So far, I'm creating the scripts via writeShellApplication, making them into packages via an overlay, merging them with buildEnv and then adding the resulting package to `systemPackages.

Something like:

nixpkgs.overlays = [ (final: prev: {
  my-hello-1 = final.writeShellApplication {
    name = "my-hello-1-script";
    text = "echo my hello wolrd 1";
  my-hello-2 = final.writeShellApplication {
    name = "my-hello-2-script";
    text = "echo my hello wolrd 1";
  my-hello-scripts = final.buildEnv {
    name = "my-hello-scripts";
    paths = [ final.my-hello-1 final.my-hello-2 ];
}) ];

environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.my-hello-scripts ];

This works, but I don't really need the my-hello-1 and my-hello-2 packages... can you think of a way to make do without needing them?

submitted 10 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/nixos@lemmy.ml

I'm migrating my NAS to nixos, and I got to the point of setting up my restic backups.

services.restic.backups is great, but -- on top of the systemd timers/services -- I also want some helper scripts (eg. one to easily mount the backups, stuff that with ansible I currently generate into /usr/local/sbin).

These scripts would be entirely generated from the services.restic.backups config and would reference sops secrets also from configuration.nix, so... I don't think it would make sense to make a package out of them?

What should I use to make these scripts? Should I use nixpkgs.writeShellApplication and then alter the PATH?

submitted 10 months ago by gomp@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Since I need to run a few apps that won't work on LineageOS (because dumb developer security stance), I need to buy a "regular" android device that includes all the google "services".

Ideally, it should be a cheap second-hand phone that will still receive security updates for a long time.

Are there bands that are better (well, "less worse") than others from a privacy perspective?

[-] gomp@lemmy.ml 34 points 11 months ago

Its funny how podcasters and commenters seem to have taken Redhat's spin about "contributing value to the community" seriously, while to the rest of us the whole thing was obviously only about money (same as all the follow-ups from other parties... I would say "including Alma" but that would probably deserve its separate debate).

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