[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 4 points 14 hours ago

The game isn't out yet. The fuck are they talking about success for?

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago

it's yet another open world survival craftathon with fortnite building and a gimick. If you like the gimmick, then good for you, don't let me tell you not to like the thing you like.

I've seen a number of these games come and go. Ark survival, raft, conan exiles, rust, and more that I've forgotten the names of. Obviously there's a demand for a game like this, but none of them stand above the rest. If you ignore the aesthetic, then they're all the same. Play one and you've played them all, and to me that's boring.

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 11 points 22 hours ago

solved for quite some time. it gets mixed with concrete and stuck in a bigger concrete container called a "dry cask".

Link, because I believe in "outsourcing critical thinking".


[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

Ooof. I hope that's a stain and not heat discoloration, otherwise that's not a sword, but a sword-shaped wall decoration.

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world -1 points 4 days ago

I keep hearing about how bad lemmy.ml is, but I just don't get it. They've got a pretty ok linux community, and the political discussions from what I've seen tend to be mostly civil even if I don't agree with some of their opinions. Apparently there's ongoing drama about an overly banhappy moderator (which they're allegedly dealing with), but that happens sometimes even in good communities.

The way that lemmy.ml is talked about, I expect a level of insanity comparable to /r/conservative on reddit, so what am I missing?

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

yeah, because the only way that brown people could have built anything impressive is if gods/aliens helped them.

Notice how these people never call into question the coliseum or the parthenon? It's just thinly veiled racism.

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 45 points 2 weeks ago

I haven't had a tv in years, and every time I get tempted by the screen size I have to remind myself about this shit. It's just me, 30 inches is enough, and I haven't seen an ad within my own home since 2012 (not entirely true, I've changed browsers a few times and had to re-setup adblockers).

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 53 points 2 weeks ago

the solution is Dynamic Range Compression. VLC player has it, but it needs to be configured first. One of the big reasons why I don't use netflix/hulu/primevideo/whatever+

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 65 points 3 weeks ago

chrome used to be good. Emphasis on the past tense.

Firefox was always good. Chrome was very briefly better. Firefox has not suffered enshittification like chrome did.

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 78 points 4 weeks ago

I have spider-man 2 on my gamecube, why do I need a ps5?

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 63 points 2 months ago

Regardless of your opinions about her specifically, it's a simple fact that positive societal change doesn't happen by asking nicely. Look at every civil rights movement ever. Nothing got done until people were inconvenienced and companies lost money.

[-] glitchdx@lemmy.world 26 points 2 months ago

It was a logitech controller, either an f310 or f710. The f310 is one of the best budget controllers ever, and I keep 4 at all times to play modded smash bros. There were a million things wrong with oceangate, but the controller wasn't one of them.

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