[-] flyos@jlai.lu 10 points 1 month ago

First state visit, not first visit. A state visit is something particular with all the honours and the like.

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 16 points 1 month ago

Some people did, look up the Peer Community Journal. Backed up by more and more organisations.

submitted 2 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/linux@lemmy.ml

OK, so I'm a heavy user of the native pipe in R which goes like this "|>". This is particularly painful to type on French keyboard, so on Plasma X11, I had a little script using xdotools to input |> when I pressed Ctrl+$. Very comfortable!

With the switch to Plasma 6, I'm now using Wayland because one needs to live with one time, I guess. But this means I lost the ability to use xdotools to do that.

I tried wtype, which seemed easy, but it doesn't seem to work in Plasma (and is not maintained any more?).

I tried ydotools, which is harder to set up (it requires running a deamon as root, which is not convenient and also defeats the security purpose of Wayland I guess? Maybe not, I'm no expert). The problem with ydotools is that it doesn't seem to be aware of the keyboard layout, and since my keyboard is French AZERTY, it outputs gibberish instead of, well, |>.

So, here's my question for you guys: do you know of any other (if possible, easy as wtype is/was) way to setup a string input associated to a shortcut?

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 34 points 5 months ago

Not particularly security savvy, but :

The infected devices then attempt to crack the telnet password by guessing default and commonly used credential pairs.

My understanding is that the worm is targetting connected devices with supidly simple credentials, which is why "Internet-of-Things" is mentioned?

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 31 points 5 months ago

I raise to you the current version of openSUSE Tumbleweed: 20240108! I think we've got the winner...

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by flyos@jlai.lu to c/linux@lemmy.ml


I would like to reorganise a big calendar into several smaller ones, e.g. based on the categories of events (say categories "Birthday" would be moved to a "Birthday" calendar and so on). I know it could some up with some highly convoluted awk script to filter the very unfriendly ICS format, but I thought I could simplify my life and use the work of some nice person who certainly had come up with a tool to manipulate ICS files (GUI or CLI), right?

It turns out, I can find many small scripts or Github repos named "icsfilter" or the like, but nothing seemingly quite established.

That's why I turn to this great community: anybody who was confronted to the same problem and could recommend a nice utility to filter ICS files?

Thanks a lot!

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 18 points 5 months ago

What the...

OK. First, nobody "previously thought" that evolution happens at random... Parts of it, yes, sure, like mutations or genetic drift. But selection is not "at random" in any reasonable meaning of the word.

Second, the paper results are basically about how selections shapes the co-occurring of genes within a genome, in the context of e.g. gene transfer. Interesting, yes. Revolutionary, certainly not. Most biologists would have predicted that outcome... Of course, selection is going to constrain the co-occuring of some gene families, why would this be surprising?

Anyway, look into the study, it looks interesting but you can spare reading the article, it does a very bad job (sorry OP) at placing the idea in its scientific context and the authors are not helping with their bragging about "revolutionary" discovery.

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 9 points 6 months ago

Never mind, you need to click on "Filter", select a particular filter and then input your search keywords. Not super intuitive, but it does work.

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 11 points 8 months ago

OK, so it is trademarked and the company is using it illegally (not that I believe KDE e.V. should sue, probably a waste of time and money).

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 24 points 8 months ago

If you don't have multiple email accounts, then probably a webmail is fine. If you have multiple accounts, and require some advanced email features, then a local client is often more efficient. Unfortunately, because the majority of people are fine with a webmail, those clients are not attracting much activity for development and Thunderbird itself almost died some ten years ago.

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 17 points 8 months ago

Great news regarding the reorganisation of System Settings. I am skeptical about the sorting however? Why put "Internet" first and "Appearance" so low? Seems to me the later is often the first thing people look for in Settings (and thus often first, or near the top, in most settings).

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 8 points 9 months ago

It highly depends on the field and journals. In my field, most society-run journals are without fees unless you want Open Access.

submitted 9 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/paris@jlai.lu

Quelqu'un sait pourquoi Paris est noir de monde et les transports blindés (enfin, plus que d'habitude) ce week-end ?

Coupe du monde ? Fashion week ? Météo ? Autre ?

submitted 9 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

Hi there! I'm trying Boost currently, liking a lot so far. Something I'm missing from Jerboa is the ease to recognise the community from a post using the community icon. I see no option to get that in Boost. Am I missing something?

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 12 points 9 months ago

If memory serves, "courriel" was actually French Canadian (and I actually find it a smart translation). The Académie Française suggested "mél" at the time, which means even less of a thing and only sounds roughly close to "mail".

submitted 10 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/parentalite@jlai.lu

publication croisée depuis : https://jlai.lu/post/490776

Quelle débâcle cette chronique, c'est dingue qu'on puisse tenir ce type de discours à l'antenne de France Inter, c'est même dangereux.

submitted 11 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/paris@jlai.lu

Encore une explosion à Paris, dans le 18e. L'origine est inconnue pour l'instant.

[-] flyos@jlai.lu 10 points 11 months ago

It may feels that way to you, but KDE, and especially Plasma (since Plasma 5) has been designed by professional designers. We owe this notably to Jens Reuterberg who created the Visual Design Group within KDE, a group that is still very much alive. The feeling probably rather stems from the fact that KDE's vision for design is less inclined toward a strongly polished, opinionated interface, but rather to preserve user's choice?

submitted 11 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/france@jlai.lu

publication croisée depuis : https://jlai.lu/post/115818

Malgré un titre putaclic (le moustique est mentionné une fois dans toute la vidéo, pour dire que les mâles pollinisent), une vidéo extrêmement intéressante de l'ami Jamy sur le rôle écologique très important des insectes.

submitted 11 months ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/france@jlai.lu

Eh beh... Je suis d'autant plus content qu'on ait réussi à acheter juste avant l'inflation, plutôt que de voir son épargne fondre à cause de décisions de ce type!

submitted 1 year ago by flyos@jlai.lu to c/meta@jlai.lu


Je cherche à m'abonner depuis jlai.lu à des communautés de mon autre instance de rattachement (mander.xyz), et malgré le fait que l'instance est censée être liée, je ne trouve pas les communautés en cherchant directement ou par URL.

C'est normal ?

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