[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Wait until that first surprise medical event. In that bracket. Employed full time w/health “insurance”. Eating instant ramen and had to get roommates. Lifestyle medication woo

They can’t make you pay medical debt. But the pharmacy doesn’t refill your meds without payment up front. And you make too much for financial assistance and the fact your employer provides insurance actually eliminates counter discounts (uninsured discounts) and other benefits.

Plus people on the internet will accuse you of being bad at money because “nobody making over $100k is poor”

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Given the issues with minimum wage, what makes you think UBI won’t have the same issues regarding inflation and governments not raising the minimums? UBI experiments have always been in small communities and never large enough to show if inflation would simply catch up with it. What stops landlords from just unilaterally raising rents to suck up the UBI payments for example?

Real reform would be housing credits, expansion of food aid and centralization of medical care

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

This. We tried to ban windows and literally the ELT blocked it because they personally didn’t want to learn MacOS despite the entire engineering, product, and medical team being on it. We now keep having to pay more for audits and for security solutions for the 15 people refusing to get off windows in mostly the finance part of the company

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

I had a landlord make me pay them in zelle. Bank limits meant I had to pay them over 3 days every month. What a mess

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

One could argue the requirements have changed because the security and compliance part of the world finally caught up to modern software delivery concepts. Even the most dinosaur apps at compliant orgs are being dragged kicking and screaming into new CI/CD tools where applying governance and custody chains and permissions and approvals are all self documented automated hooks.

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 37 points 1 month ago

If every single software a company licensed to produce a video game required this, you would be waiting an hour to see the start menu. Don’t let any company do this or they all will.

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 36 points 1 month ago

Well this one is odd only because for end users it’s kind of seamlessly moved to the Health Connect service. The issue here is the new thing has a shittier dev experience and less features.

This all stems from how internally they only reward new products and not features or maintenance on existing products. So entire teams just spin up copies of existing products instead of working on a V2 overhaul in-place

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago

In the US

Notice all the countries where guns are illegal still have higher male suicide rates

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 27 points 5 months ago

Except ironically Netflix has announced they will not make an app for the Vision Pro

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 36 points 5 months ago

Ghetto fork it. GitHub will nuke the forks done via the fork button with the initial DMCA

[-] fishpen0@lemmy.world 38 points 8 months ago

Interestingly enough. Queen bees do not actually control most hive activity. Individual workers and gatherers communicate through dance and pheromone signals and the hive literally votes on what it will do. For example a scout will find a new flower patch and tell the rest of the hive and the hive will vote on how many more bees to send.

It would have been far more interesting for the collective to have a queen but for part of the plot to be the humans misunderstanding her purpose to the collective, kill her, and then have the collective be just fine and produce a new queen.

Then it would literally be bees

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