[-] filister@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago

Yes, I was thinking in the same direction but for me it is important for my banking app to work and don't want to do some hacky way to trick it.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago

Yes, the provider is having very good coverage. Is it possible that the SIM card reader has bad contact with the SIM card and because of that to have issues with the coverage?

[-] filister@lemmy.world 5 points 5 hours ago

Actually France is doing pretty well IT-wise, but the majority of the countries in Europe are greatly lagging in IT development and digitalization.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 1 points 7 hours ago

This looks like a pretty fun game to play. I will give it a try.

submitted 7 hours ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world

My phone is losing regularly GSM network during calls and people are saying that they cannot hear me. Is there any fix of this? I have already tried to disable WiFi Calling, 5G, restart the phone, etc. but those problems persist. I wasn't able to find reliable information on the internet that could help. If someone is experiencing similar issues and found a fix, let me know.

Alternatively, I can also install some other ROM, but I want to keep this as a last option. In this case feel free to recommend any good and stable ROMs.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Just changing the SSH port to non standard port would greatly reduce that risk. Disable root login and password login, use VLANs and containers whenever possible, update your services regularly and you will be mostly fine

[-] filister@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If you are behind CGNAT and use some tunnel (Wireguard, Tailscale, etc.) to access your services which are running on Docker containers, the attack vector is almost not existing.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Do you think synagogues are paying any taxes? Because if they force churches to pay the taxes, they should apply the same scrutiny to synagogues but I am sure they don't. So I dare you to prove me wrong.

submitted 3 days ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
[-] filister@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Not if they crash into stationary objects like rocks, etc. In that case the amount of force the driver will experience will be 2-3 times higher compared to the amount of force a driver of a normal sedan will experience if he had the same accident.

But yeah, those trucks are getting ridiculously big and heavy. They are not only bad for the environment, they are bad for the roads and other drivers and pedestrians. I am living in Europe and it is really infuriating that those cars are like 1.5 times a normal car and then you can't even find a parking spot.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

After he spent how many years in this embassy almost as a hostage and a prisoner with deteriorating physical and mental health. I can't even imagine what it was even like.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 38 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

If you know what RAM is, and you bought an 8GB Mac in the last 10-years, then you are likely self-aware of your limited demands and/or made an informed compromise.

Or you simply refuse to pay $200+ to get a proper machine. Like seriously, 8GB Mac's should have disappeared long ago, but nope, Apple stick to them with their planned obsolescence tactics on their hardware, and stubbornly refusing to admit that in 2023 releasing a MacBook with soldered 8Gb of RAM is wholy inadequate.

[-] filister@lemmy.world 24 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

But it's sad that whistleblowers are even persecuted in a so-called democracy. Like you know you fucked up, but instead of feeling humble and ashamed you start persecutions of the people who have exposed you, while preaching what an exemplary democracy you are to the rest of the world.

Same with ICC, ICC exposes your ally as a war criminal and instead of upholding law, you start thinking how to sanction the judges and obstruct their actions, because you feel above the law. The US is acting like a school bully who is the only one who can say what's right or wrong in big parts of the rest of the world, they try to influence foreign governments and install their own candidates, so in a way, they aren't much better than China or Russia. Heck they even tapped the phones of their allies back then and probably still do.

submitted 3 days ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
[-] filister@lemmy.world 16 points 4 days ago

After they upped their actions to kick off Armenians from their homes in Jerusalem, now they start targeting Christians. The end goal would be for them to control the whole of Jerusalem.

submitted 5 days ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

What a giant flop

submitted 5 days ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 days ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 days ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago by filister@lemmy.world to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
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