[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 1 points 3 days ago

Just because most of the testing is based on chrome because there is no time to do stuff well done and so it’s done just for the majority and the majority is on blink and so on and so on

It’s just a loop, I prefer to break it using and recommending firefox :o

submitted 1 week ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net
submitted 1 month ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9709038

https://cohost.org/roguecache just made a new solarpunk logo; i think it's very well designed and keeps the simplicity while still keeping sun, nature and technology meanings

submitted 1 month ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net
submitted 1 month ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/collapse@slrpnk.net

Death by 1000 cuts

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 12 points 1 month ago

It’s sad that most people are commenting without even reading the article nor watching the mockumentary. We can be better than this :)

I watched it and it has some nice jokes and sketches in it. There is no blame, just plain explaining some psychological mechanism and also even mocking the corporate greenwashing.

It does not address capitalism, yes. It pushes Patagonia, yes. Still, it’s a good little video, I would send it to people around me if it was in my language.

submitted 1 month ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net

I was watchin the last episode of ''earthsounds'' (docuseries that you can find on torrent) and they said to have used one of this with a microphone mounted under it to record better sounds from whales (because they travel a looooooot and not always on the same routes).

Autonomous robot solarpowered to catch better ocean data, pretty solarpunk to me :3

p.s. the series is nice even tho first 4 episodes have much more cool sounds; it's also interesting to see how hard it is to capture the sounds at the end of every episode

p.p.s. ye, it's not open source, by a company owned by boeing and probably also used for militar purposes so it's not perfectly as we would like it to be

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 19 points 2 months ago

Tor is being rewritten in Rust :3

submitted 2 months ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

i don't like sharing crowdfundings because there are a looooot of them; but i feel like this can be an exception for 3 reasons:

  • it's Gaza
  • i know that the hacker association behind it is more than honest
  • dulcis in fundo, looks like a very much solarpunk solution on a lot of fronts, it's not ''just'' the usual mutual aid :D
submitted 2 months ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net

what bugs me the most is thinking that if lemmy became as relevant as reddit, servers to spam all over the threadiverse would be created nonstop

does anyone have some resources into solutions for spam in stuff like email? i'd like to check if having some giants gatekeepers like microsoft and google is inevitable

submitted 3 months ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

except for the ''new experiences'' sentence it's a lovely article :)

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 15 points 3 months ago

I won’t read their paper because every kind of DAO is the same in the end so I can generalize it.

They probably use a DAO form to raise money from people giving them back a token that allows them a form of digital ownership. Basically is what an association or a cooperative can do but if they do not actually build that coop or org it just stays a useless token in front of the law. Are they conscious of it? Who knows. Is it good? Ehhh, only if the people behind it are actually iron willed and will keep the mission in front of earnings because, as I said, legally the ownership is on them and not on all the token owners.

I’d avoid it. There are a lot of ways to pay associations to plant trees or ensure wildlife while also not feeding a bullshit machine :)

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 12 points 4 months ago

I’m a game dev and I think this case is more ambiguous

if you want job security, unionize your workplace

submitted 4 months ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net
[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 14 points 4 months ago

it's not that weird from my perspective. the post was kinda a rant so it baited people that are not really ready to discuss but just felt like having to point out their perspective in a defensive way

break the chain my friends, we can do better

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 25 points 4 months ago

just answer ''thank you for the disgust sentiment, really needed that from a friend, cya''

if they say ''no'' but they lying, just treat it as a real no because people not able to be open about this are not ready for a healthy relationship

does anybody know osecology status? (www.opensourceecology.org)
submitted 6 months ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net

is it halt or dead? the github loooks dead and also this https://opensourceecology.dozuki.com/c/History/Root

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 12 points 7 months ago

i don't know if it exists but it's really easy to know about them before they happen: follow the politically active collectives, associations or unions of your city and you will find out. rss, activitypub (fediverse) and telegram are suited for the job because timeline won't make important posts disappear in favor of ads or posts with more engagement.

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 11 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

it already exists: !buyitforlife@slrpnk.net

P.S.wrong community, you had to post on !meta@slrpnk.net

submitted 9 months ago by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/redox@lemmy.world

Basically the title says it all lol.

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Nothing new under the sun. Free market nor consumers as a category will regulate themselves. The unsustainable merch just has to stop existing or at least the sustainable one should be subsidized.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ex_06@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net
[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 18 points 10 months ago

tbh i don't worry too much about datacenters because they can be built under the land, under ice, alone in the desert full of solar panels and so on. the heat in the winter can also be used to heat houses if it's in the city..

the sad part is that most of that energy is used for bullshit tasks for surveillance capitalism.

[-] ex_06@slrpnk.net 41 points 11 months ago

Out of touch also in feeling like it’s funny to post this shit

Even if it was true, would still be a cringe meme.

I hope that OP is just young and naive and not an old who thinks the world is divided like that

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