[-] esc27@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Two women fight to the death over shoes.

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Not if aren't familiar with control characters. Might was well be three seashells...

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 14 points 5 days ago

After nearly a year on lemmy, I'm guessing it was capitalism or maybe microsoft.

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 204 points 1 month ago

So lead, plastic, and PFAS are fine but fluoride is where they draw the line…?

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 87 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Apple managed to capture lightning in a bottle, twice. First by making a better Walkman, and then again by making that device a phone with internet access. They were able to leverage that success to revitalize their computer hardware business and act as a platform for selling accessories, and all of that made them very successful.

But the stock market doesn’t care about past success, it cares about growth, and without a major new, or buzz worthy product, investors might start to turn against Apple. Problem is, they have ridden the iPod horse about as far as it can go. They tried putting wheels on it, but that failed, and the jury is still out on whether tying one to your face will work out or not.

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 71 points 2 months ago

Mitch McConnell is one of those people who make me want to buy a flagpole. So I can be sure to fly the flag at full staff when he finally dies.

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 60 points 3 months ago

Supporting Israel with weapons and UN vetos is the only leverage the US has over Israel right now. The US is sort of trying to be the supportive buddy who talks their friend down instead of just another country on the list that yells at them but does nothing else.

Problem is, Israel has made it pretty clear they don’t care if they lose US support (or don’t believe it can politically happen) and so that leverage is almost nil which is making the US and Biden look both complicit and weak.

The US is also having to react in real time to changing attitudes on Israel. A year ago, opposition to Israel would have been political suicide in the U.S. Now opinions are much more mixed. We see 13% in one vote willing to protest and vote uncommitted, but we don’t see the other end. What percent would shift their vote to Trump in support of Israel if Biden toughened his stance. Biden is trying to appeal to both sides, which is a terrible strategy, but I doubt he has a choice as he likely needs both sides to win…

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 103 points 3 months ago

Maybe I’m the centrist in this scenario, but isn’t that just normal left? I’d expect far left to be like “we are going to exterminate all the rich then give their stuff to everyone else”

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 94 points 4 months ago

The 10 commandments divide into two sections. Rules for the relation between people and God and rules for the relation between people and other people. 5 more would probably setup a third section. Like rules for the relation between people and nature or rules for one’s relation to oneself.

  1. Forgive your brother who has wronged you as you would want him to forgive your own transgressions.

  2. Honor creation and take only what you need from the mountains, streams, woodlands, and valleys.

  3. Respect the creatures of the earth as your brothers in creation.

  4. Avoid excesses and live humbly

  5. Love yourself for you were created in My image

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 82 points 5 months ago

I think this is the first time I’ve seen avatar mentioned in nearly a year. Weird how a movie series that popular generates so little discussion.

[-] esc27@lemmy.world 149 points 7 months ago

Phone calls are rude. They demand your immediate attention with a loud alarm and no regard for where you might be or what you are doing. Texts/email are respectful. They make a small chime just to let you know they are around, then wait patiently for you to read and respond.

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