[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 0 points 1 hour ago

For what it's worth, it's really hard to read this post (which you seem to have put some actual effort into) because you're writing it with odd abbreviations and slang. I know you're trying to be edgy or something but when you have something worthwhile to say, it's best to communicate it in a way that the majority of people who run across it can understand, rather than wrap it in what effectively amounts to lingo and jargon.

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago
Veil lore (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/destiny@lemmy.world

I put this together for my raid group text but thought others might like it. Kind of a summary of the 15 voice over messages from Osiris's data crawler decoding saved log entries about the Veil.

Please chime in if I've got something wrong, or with more info!

The tldr on that lore is that some Ishtar researchers (from the collective on venus) were working on / exploring a moon of Saturn, started terraforming Neptune, got attacked while traveling from the moon of Saturn to Neptune.

Crashed onto Neptune, found the Veil. Didn't know what it was. Electromagnetic anomaly. No mass but a tangible surface. The first team of researchers to touch it all died instantly by way of brain death. It also immediately was causing problems with all the exos that were with them because of electromagnetic radiation.

They quarantined all the dead bodies while they built an outpost (with the help of SIVA). Ended up using the Veil as a power source somehow in the process, even though chiomi was against the idea (the logs are all from point of view of chiomi esi who was one of the researchers and most are about Maya sundaresh who was her wife)... Maya was in favor of making an outpost next to the veil...

Soon after vex attack. They had started fucking up Neptune the same way they did with venus. But the Veil seemed to have prevented it. In their attempts to work around the Veil, the vex created some sort of field to isolate the Veil but this field also effectively hid the outpost (which would become the city neomuna) from the outside world.

During the analysis of the logs Osiris begins to see similarities between Maya and himself in terms of how they became obsessed with their research (Osiris obsessed with the vex and time travel, Maya obsessed with the veil)

Later... Maya and Chiomi theorize all their exos died because the Veil affected the "clarity" inside of them (clarity as we know is basically darkness extract, but Maya and chiomi didn't know this as it was a braytech secret). They think the Veil interacts with clarity and overpowered them and erased their minds the same way a magnet can erase like a hard drive or a floppy disk. Maya believes they can reverse this and instead use the Veil to write consciousness back to exos (or anything else that uses clarity). Chiomi thinks it might work but has concerns about if it's morally right. Maya says they're past the point where morality matters.

At this point in the play back Osiris even further identifies with Maya. He also asks nimbus what he knows about how the cloud striders were created. Implication that the cloud striders were exos created by maya/chiomi using the Veil to write consciousness into brain dead exos

Later, they talk about SIVA and how it's similar to radiolaria (radiolaria is aka vex milk). This was another Bray family invention (and we all remember how the siva "virus" fucked everyone back in rise of iron). It becomes clear that Maya and chiomi were now working on combining disabled vex machinery with brain dead exos and using SIVA instead of vex milk but just shielding the SIVA nanomachines from the Veil radiation. Implication that this is how the cloud striders were created.

Chiomi and Maya create an interface to connect a human/guardian to the Veil. The design is like an orchestra of sorts. There will be a conductor who directs what they believe is an orchestra of minds inside the Veil. Chiomi thinks it's dangerous. Maya thinks it's the only way to survive.

Next entry: the interface didn't work right. Everyone who was connected to it died. Their minds were erased. Brain dead. Basically the entire research team outside of Maya and chiomi.

Osiris draws parallels to what they've learned about the witness and how the witness is actually a collection of consciousness of an entire race

The next log entry is entitled lakshmi-2 and Osiris freaks out a little.

At this point chiomi has removed herself from participating in any more experiments. As soon as she abandoned the experiments Maya started pulling brain dead exos out of cold storage/quarantine. She atarted using veil and Veil interface in reverse to start writing consciousness into brain dead exos. She re-creates lakshmi-2 off her own memories of lakshmi-2 but it also contains Maya's own self. This is problematic to say the least. (Reminder that lakshmi-2 eventually ended up back on earth as the leader of future war cult who was super xenophobic re: fallen moving to the tower)

Next entry: they get the Veil interface working and it doesn't kill everyone. It becomes clear that the Veil is some sort of web of consciousness. A collective consciousness. Like an organic version of the vex network. Maya is happy. Chiomi isn't. She feels that the Maya she knew and loved is gone.

At this point neomuna is a full city with an entire generation of people that were born there. Nimbus says they don't want to listen anymore. Osiris says "Obsession is a beast with long sharp talons. A beast that does not easily release its prey." (Direct quote.... also... my own note.... are they talking directly to the destint-obsessed players? Breaking the 4th wall?)

Osiris says he found a way out of the grasp of the obsession beast. "By losing"

Next log: things seems to be going OK but then Maya and chiomi's spot on the moon of Saturn (this moon is called hyperion) detects that the warmind has reactivated and has classified the location on Neptune as the nefele stronghold. Chiomi thinks that if rasputin can interface with their network and learn what they know about tue Veil, it will be certain doom. Chiomi sends stargazer (one of the first cloud striders) to go deal with the warmind. Taking lakshmi-2 with them (I guess this is how lakshmi-2 gets back to earth).

Osiris says it's clear then that stargazer is the one who redacted all information about the Veil and Neptune from rasputins memory banks (this was a plot point in the season where we were working with Ana and rasputin)

Later: Chiomi decides the Veil is too powerful and must be contained and hidden. They will attempt containment and close down the interface facility, but allow neomuna to continue to exist and flourish.

Next log: chiomi is losing it. She remembers how on venus the vex simulated copies of all of them and trapped them in a virtual hell. She wishes the Maya she loved was still around. She says it's time to let go. She reaches out to the vex. (Intentions unknown but maybe to see if they are willing to upload her consciousness back into a happier simulation of reality)

(The real tldr tldr) nimbus asks "what did we learn here osiris?" And he says

"the Veil is Darkness — the power of consciousness made manifest — as much as the Traveler is the Light, the power of the physical world. The implications are great. But so too are the risks."

Osiris seems bitten by the old bug of going deeper. There are no more logs but Osiris is able to sue the decryption protocols of the logs so far to explore the network. Finds a way into an archive of the vex conceptual mind. This is the vex entity thay created one of the first big bads back in destiny 1: the black heart of the garden. Comparing the vex logs to chiomi's notes, it's clear that the black heart was a vex attempt to recreate the Veil. But they failed.

He confirms that both the traveler and the Veil operate parallel to the laws of nature but in synchrony with each other. The vex were able to link the black heart to the traveler but this wasn't the connection the witness wanted (implication that the witness controls or directs the vex in some way to some extent).

Osiris calculates then that the connection beam from the Veil to the traveler created by the witness with our accidental help (he connects through our ghost remember) cut through the traveler shell to something inside. Something they're calling the pale heart of the traveler.

Osiris says that some current time Ishtar researches propose that the Veil and the traveler were possibly 2 part of the same "thing" or were effectively one thing cut in two. Veil is darkness, consciousness, memory, thought, feeling, logic. Traveler is light, physical reality, color, sound, movement, chaos.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/butlerian_jihad@lemmy.world

“the perfect nonalcoholic beverage to quench your thirst and refresh your senses”

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 9 points 11 months ago

I see you've more or less chosen proton.

Came here to say that I have been using tutanota for years now and it works very well.

It does fit the use case of encrypted emails to people who don't use tutanota. How it works is they will receive an unencrypted email letting them know they have an encrypted email waiting for them, along with a secure link to an https encrypted, password protected web interface with inbox and outbox.

Just wanted to point this out for anyone else evaluating privacy focused email providers.

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Use milk, not creamer. Even better, half and half.

Brew it really strong (espresso of you have a machine) and pour over ice cream.

Iced coffee with milk.

Regarding the flavor oils in the grinder, using something like "grindz" might help, as well as some sacrificial unflavored coffee.

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Maybe it's me misunderstanding, but 127 is considered room temp?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/golf@lemmy.world

Coverage guide for the open. From @NoLayingUp on Twitter

How to watch The Open (times Eastern):

Thu/Fri: 1:30-4AM: Peacock


3-4PM: Peacock


5-7AM: USA



4-7AM: USA


[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

This article is over 2.5 years old and (I think) no longer relevant...

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

It kind of is when the machine ships with windows or macos

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

Less than 2 years since the last update here.

The phone I currently use is more than 2 years old.

I'm gonna go with more than mildly infuriating.

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Right of course. But I doubt they developed and published their app in-house is my point. If they contracted some developer, who knows if the ACLU themselves or some formerly contracted developer gets notified that the app is "old" (if anyone at all is notified).

Edit: I was right. This is the app developer for the ACLU app you screenshotted - https://www.quadrant2.us/

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

Just ran into this as well with a different app.

I wonder if the organizations the old apps are associated with even know.

I imagine whoever did the app dev and publishing knows, but I bet a lot of them are contracted developers (and who knows if they're even still around)

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

I hope this is AI generated.


Let’s see the poorly generated art, the “self driving” failures, and THE HANDS!



Happy 4th! (lemmy.world)

When your algorithm trains on the blockbuster hit "Scary Movie 2"

[-] eramseth@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

Not to that extent, but yea.

Maybe because posting here seems less like shouting into the void? I get replies to most of my posts and comments. Way more engagement.

submitted 1 year ago by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/golf@lemmy.world


submitted 1 year ago by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

This was from around 3 weeks ago. I pretty religiously (pun intended) blocked and reported ads from the "hegetsus" fundie christian bs group for probably 6-8 months. Naively I thought it actually started making a difference.

Then I just get served an ad from them with a little note that this was "Posted from a blocked account".

"Blocked"... you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...


I really like nearly all of Wes Anderson's work. I heard someone say this was like Wes Anderson trying to make a Wes Anderson movie... and I agree. Not that that's a bad thing, but things can often come across a little cheesy when someone knowingly "turns it up to 11" so to speak.

Also, it felt like this was (perhaps arguably) Anderson's most "meta" film. Again, not terrible, but also very on the nose and not very subtle.

All said, I do feel like I would like to watch it a few more times before really cementing where I put it among Anderson's other work. Right now it's probably mid-tier for me.

Love to hear other people's thoughts.

submitted 1 year ago by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/vinyl@lemmy.world

I know that guy who supposedly popularized the term wouldn't necessarily agree with Steely Dan as Dad Rock, but to me it fits the bill.


Finally got the Wingspan Nesting Box. It fits all the current expansions and has room for the future. I swear it must clock in at like 20lbs.

Still a little annoyed that all the Wingspan stuff that holds sleeved cards won’t fit the mote or less widely available and “standard” sleeves (Wingspan cards are not the same size as many other games) but thats not really anything a little 3D printing can’t fix.

submitted 1 year ago by eramseth@lemmy.world to c/golf@lemmy.world

Also, the last 3 pairings tomorrow are STACKED with great player. Gonna be awesome.

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joined 1 year ago