[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 20 points 3 days ago

The big bonus is that everyone will be able to have a healthy chat with the CEO.

- Hey CEO, what will be my raise this year?

- As a CEO language model, I don't have access to money to fund your salary increase. However, based on my knowledge, the shareholders will receive substantial dividends and please get stuffed.

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 39 points 3 days ago

is this employee in the room with us right now?

Well, he should be, but he's WORKING from BLOODY HOME FFS!!!

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 5 points 3 days ago

So this is why there is a "Block user" option. Thanks for clearing that up

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 20 points 3 days ago

You know that Hitler was not only a famous painter, surely? I know it's not a competition, but I've heard the guy has done some fairly bad things

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 3 points 4 days ago

Je crois que c'est "cyclimse" en fait. Enfin je suis juste cuisinier de ouiche lorraine, alors je sais pas trop, mais il me semble.

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 3 points 4 days ago

These graphs are mighty fine, thanks for providing them

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 2 points 4 days ago

Daily reminder that two different things can be bad at the same time.

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 183 points 1 month ago

YTA your bf needs some space and you should be more considerate of his hobbies. Maybe he needs this to be thriving in his life and tbh you should ask yourself if you're not already abusing him. If I were him that would be a massive red flag to me. Have you thought about cutting all relationships to appease him, that would be the least you can do

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 153 points 2 months ago

Sample size = 1. Temporal occurrences = 1. Spatial occurrences = 1.

Absolute certainty

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 112 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I literally cannot tell the difference.

Source: am manager, and sometimes my underlings don't toil hard enough in the PowerPoint mines.

submitted 7 months ago by drolex@sopuli.xyz to c/science_memes@mander.xyz

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 111 points 8 months ago

Prevention: Avoiding practices of cannibalism

Wow ok. Not very inclusive then smh

[-] drolex@sopuli.xyz 158 points 9 months ago

From these 2 sentences, I have written a 52 pages PowerPoint presentation to get funds from Wall Street.

I expect to find ~$2 bn.

See you in jail!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by drolex@sopuli.xyz to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm trying to find the author and the title of a painting that I vaguely remember.

The painting shows a man painting a woman. It looks like an ordinary self portrait but if you look closer you will see that the painted woman has an arm going out of the picture and is directing the arm of the painter.

I think the painted woman was the master of the male painter?

I think it's from Italy, 17th century (very vague reminiscence here)?

I keep thinking about Artemisia Gentileschi but can't find any link to something similar

Any help would be appreciated, it's driving me crazy

Ye olde conundrum (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 11 months ago by drolex@sopuli.xyz to c/lotrmemes@midwest.social

99% of philosophers can't solve this

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