Looking at THC % is my go to way of finding what I'll get too. It's the only way I know how to search for a flower that give me what to feel. Looking for head high with giggles, look for THC%. Looking to be Velcroed to the chair, look for CBD%.

As for as I can tell it doesn't matter what strain it is, when I smoke it there's no telling how it'll feel until I feel it.

Switching around and trying different methods helps me mange my tolerance too, but I do have some dry spells in-between for my wallets sake.

The quote I always heard was "Actions speak louder than words". I wonder if they mean something slightly different though.

They way I can see it is your quote "You say a lot when you aren't saying anything" feels very passive, as in the way you carry yourself on the day to day.

Whereas "Actions speak louder than words" is more active (has that word in it alredy) as in how you treat and carry yourself around others.

Both can be seen as a way to observe the social queues that aren't completely verbal to see what kind of person someone is. Just something to ponder I guess.


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