[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Looks like mobile auto formatting to me. G after a period, N is from a name, g ends with a ? but no space afterwards, so it doesn't auto capitalize.

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Good effort though. Fun fact, Germany itself has states, so you don't need to leave Germany to go to a different state.

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I could hear them too, when I was younger. I lost that frequency range of my hearing in my mid-to-late 20's, which I've read is normal.

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 16 points 1 week ago

I installed the 16-member party Mod and took all the origin characters (except urge) around for a while. Combat became a chore. Probably the biggest grievance is they'd block each other's movement, but it just took REALLY long to do combat with them all present.

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 33 points 2 weeks ago

I was at a funeral for a guy who had dated my best friend. I was there to support my friend, let her get some closure. There were easily a thousand people there - they set up speakers in the parking lot for mourners to listen to the ceremony. This guy had been incredibly good at getting people to like him. He easily could have been a cult leader, the number of people who loved his persona and either didn't know of or ignored his manipulative behavior.

Anyway, eulogies are delivered. A close friend, then a family member, then his girlfriend...then his other girlfriend. The two girlfriends learned of each other's existence and met for the first time at the funeral.

The second girl said something like "I loved him so much, as I'm sure you all did too. I was convinced that I could make a difference in his life and make things better for everyone, but maybe it was just about the sex after all." She then left. Fully left the building.

Nobody I knew there at the funeral had any idea who she was, except the parents who later confirmed to my friend that she was indeed his other girlfriend.

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago

Ah, understood. Thank you.

Seems to me the first part of the violation is clear, fine him and be done with it.

Twitter users who think they could have milked him for more...I think they already got a better deal than fair market value.

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago

Genuinely ignorant here, please explain.

Why are they investigating at all? Didn't Musk basically Finance himself in the Abacus when he bought twitter?

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

Who are the people you're talking about?

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 38 points 2 months ago

I don't understand. Are you saying you're a racist, abusive, narcissistic fuckhead? Or that you're fat?

[-] deltapi@lemmy.world 13 points 2 months ago

Yep, probably because it's not funny or clever. My guess is that you look for funny and/or clever in your jokes.

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