[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 week ago

Just installed and signed into my OSM account! Been meaning to update more of my area.

I am looking to try moving away from Waze too. Are there any good open projects that have support for reporting cops and the other stuff like Waze? When I was looking last year, I came across Navmii since it does have some level of reporting stuff. However the app itself is very glitchy and I don't think it is really actively being worked on. Or is popular enough to even know if literally anyone around me is reporting things. When I have tried to report a cop being parked waiting for speeders, it doesn't show anything even on my map.

They use OSM data which I think is also not being actively scraped, as I personally added my entire street's addresses and doesn't show on Navmii (but does show up on the main OSM site and on Organic Maps).

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 15 points 3 weeks ago

Or keep the guillotine.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 10 points 5 months ago

It is much easier to lose the remote since you only use it when using the TV (or other devices that have remotes). Where as you are much much more likely to be doing stuff on your phone actively. Also you can use various methods for locating your phone. Most remotes on the other hand don't come with the same features for finding them. I am only personally aware of Roku's remotes having the option to press a physical button on the main box, or via the Roku phone app (which can also be used as a remote).

I loved having the IR blaster on my Galaxy S6, and thought it was lame that it wasn't around when I upgraded to my S8+. Though I will say that the pre-installed third-party app got on the enshittification train at some point. As I started getting random ads on my lock screen and found that this app cause. So that would be one thing that kind of made losing the IR blaster suck less. Still it sucks to lose features that were able to exist on my smaller phones now that I started getting the + and Ultra size models. Most certainly could fit the aux port at minimum.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 16 points 6 months ago

I only ever used the lite version of FB Messenger. Shit was much better than the full version, especially without all the bloated "features" that I didn't use at best and being annoying/battery drains at worst. Was noticeably snappier on both my old and new phones. Fortunately most of my friends started using Discord and/or Signal with better features (and one less Meta app to have running).

I think that the idea of having smaller and less demanding versions of lots of apps is a good idea. As so many apps are just not optimized and bloated. Just being coded to rely on higher specs to make up for said lack of effort in cleaning up stuff. The ads on ads on ads being part of the issue as well. Which is only getting worse with the close buttons not loading unless shit has been however many seconds. Seems that the "hit box" for the close buttons is getting smaller and smaller to guaranty the ads are clicked on and then open another app or a browser. Though optimizations and better coding won't fix dirty underhanded grifts.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 16 points 7 months ago

I agree with you is the TL;DR, and the rest is just my mad ranting opinions about companies being allowed to just auto-censor us. So feel free to completely ignore the rest. lol.

It is like just banning words and phrases just because bad people use them has just become the norm. I really really can't stand the way that channels on YT constantly have to self-censor basically everything (even if the video is just reporting on or trying to explain bad shit that is or has happened). And it never seems to actually stop the actual issues from happening. Just means the bad people just move on to a new word or phrase that is then itself banned. It isn't about actually stopping fucked-up shit from happening. It is just about making sure advertisers and other sources of money don't throw a fit.

We always hear about how places like China are bad in-part for censoring words and speech. But in the US and other western nations we pretend we are allowed to freely speak uncensored. We have always had censoring of speech, it is just that the real rulers of the country are allowed to do it instead. Keeps the government's hands free from legally being the enforcers of doing it to us. Shit like CP is fucked, and it should be handled for what it is, but allowing for-profit companies and especially their algorithms/AI to decide what we can and can't say or search for without any level of human interactions that very much lead to false bans is also fucked.

It is waaaay too easy for all the mega corps to completely take down channels and block creators from revenue of their own work just completely automated. But the accused channel can't ever get a real person to both get clear understanding of what and who is attacking them, and to explain why their strike/bans aren't valid. I have heard that even channels that have gotten written/legal permission from a big studio to use a clip of music or segment from video (music being the worst) will STILL catch automated strikes for copyright violations.

We don't need actual government censors, because the mega corps with all the money are allowed to do it for them. We have rights but they don't really matter if they can say a private company or org made up of people from various mega corps are allowed to do it for them.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 15 points 7 months ago

They really went hard on VCRs before all of that for the same reasons. Fortunately the time shifting argument was able to be backed by the courts. Otherwise TiVo and so many other formats would've basically been banned from the general public being able to have anything nice. Was especially important rulings for forcing most content providers and/or studios into using new ideas and technologies. They are the ones that hold back on everything that could actually make it easier to legally enjoy content.

They make things require so many hoops to go through and like a punishment for wanting to enjoy anything legally. While also making it cost more on their end overall. If these companies were to embrace stuff like torrenting tech, then it would mean less overall costs needed to always be running. We have so many ways of getting stuff from here to there and making sure media is not lost. Copyrights should at best last like 10 years imo. These companies still can't even be bothered to allow me to buy movies and shows digitally that maybe got a DVD release. So if they won't give options, then they forfeit the right to claim any "damages" or "lost sales."

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 15 points 8 months ago

It is also crucial that leftists be where the masses are in order to make whatever pushes that can be made. There can't be class awakening if leftist aren't there to speak-up, otherwise it is all just reactionaries and bootlickers spreading their lies.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 10 points 9 months ago

I think that given how frequently this argument is brought up (and it is of course true about it not being completely there yet) so this is just my opinion on the situation (and I am not a dev so I am fine with being wrong and corrected). It is kind of needed for more projects/distros to start actively using it. As a lot of the stuff kind of needs the band-aid ripped off to start forcing it to get there faster at this point. Otherwise it just keeps being held back as people on the coding end of things will keep focusing on X11 issues instead of getting things ready for Wayland.

Kind of like the conundrum of mobile OSes that aren't Android or iOS. It is hard to get people/companies to even try the new OS because the lack of apps (specifically the most common ones used by the most people). But app devs don't want to spend time re-building or starting new apps for an OS that isn't being used (or on devices people are buying). So at a certain point it needs both sides to interact and make progress. The OS needs the apps more at this point, and getting feedback and data from those devs makes it known where things are and aren't working. But it is also true the devs for the apps might end up finding out the OS is actually easier to work with compared to what they have been doing/dealing with on Android/iOS.

Getting a replacement for X11 has been needed for a long time as the OSes and features keep needing something new to better work for how computers have advanced. And it isn't something that many devs would want to take on given how easy it is to just use what is already known. Since Wayland has finally gotten to the point it is now, it is time for more devs to start learning/moving to the new thing to get attention to the stuff that they need. The hardest part is this in between period for users as it can and will cause random issues (like the ones you have seen). Stability is important, but Linux is great because there will always be distros and projects that keeping the old thing running well is the main objective. So we are in some great times for the new to be pushed hard so it can become the stable future needed.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 12 points 10 months ago

Even Google was giving people full refunds for all games that were bought on Stadia when they gave up on that. I can't imagine that the total refunds would even be that bad for Sony given the increases they made for PSN prices. Would at least come across as at least pretending to "do right" to keep some level of trust from the people that have been buying non-game media from them. It would all be just a PR thing with some loss of current money for future money. Maybe even just offer a free amount of credit for getting some shows/movies from the Sony owned studios.

But since Sony is currently the number one, they will keep on their fuck shit until Microsoft or Nintendo are able to pull some big push. Playstation really only does kind of cool shit for customers when they aren't in the lead.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 year ago

Yeah but those supposed companies that "needed those malicious practices to stay competitive" also could have done the thing Mozilla is now doing. Could even use direct knowledge and proof of those practices in a big ad campaign about how they actively don't want all your info. This "doing it because everyone is doing it" headspace is one of the many corpo versions of "just following orders." I understand the point you are making, but it isn't like any of these companies are too small to fight back. Allowing this kind of thing (beyond just this specific instance) just further gaslights us at a consumer level into continued abuse being normalized and okay. Which makes it even harder to do anything about it.

Just like with how we see that a major amount of voters literally just give up and see everything as pointless in doing anything (and that is assuming that they even know about any information at all). Or how we are trained to only see one or two day polite marches in protest of something as being the whole "fight" and just go home. But when people don't just go home or "stay out of normal people's ways" it is seen as those protesters being "unrealistic" or even "assholes in the way." The whole point of protests is to literally be as in the way of "normal life" as possible to push whatever change they are fighting for.

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

Soooooooo freaking happy to finally have the tablet setup that I just couldn't seem to find in any of the other Lemmy apps (so far)!!! I can now have three columns and see so many posts with their smaller but still good sized previews! Was curious how much would be different in moving to Lemmy, and so far everything seems to be much closer to one-to-one than I even thought. Very good work! And back on the Ultra sub as well!

[-] dRLY@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

Truth! I wasn't shocked that all the social media and entertainment companies all decided to treat the Covid years as if that growth was organic/normal (all retail stores started doing this much faster). As if people were just going to keep having the same amount of time to spend on them. Or in the case of sites like Reddit, they think that they are the creators of content instead of the location to get it. Companies like Red Hat are more jarring and seem like they would've been more realistic.

The next two paragraphs are just a rant about companies and the government not really caring for stability long-run. Feel free to ignore.

Of course people were going to start unsubbing now that they need to focus on actual things needed for just living. Covid has shown that all these greedy folks running (or holding shares) companies in all sectors refuse to just be focused on stability. They act like all the crazy large profits were all because of their "genius innovative ideas and leadership." Of course that was going to happen to all the publicly traded companies, due to their literal legal obligation to always make numbers go up. But shit is beyond a bad way to handle the real material conditions of life. It also doesn't help that the US did a worse job at doing things like monthly stimulus money compared to other places.

A capitalist economy requires that people keep buying both needed and wanted things in order to keep things moving around. But instead of putting money into the hands of people, which would then likely buy more things or even have finally something to save for when things normalized (which would be helpful for making the falloff less dramatic). We barely got two total $2000 payments. Fuck, even just making sure folks could have money to finally get out of various debits would mean people could more easily justify keeping things like Netflix.

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