[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yea, here where I live there is a culture of most jobs being seasonal work, so a good amount of people end up being NEET's for about half a yera or less because of the lack of regular jobs and surplus of seasonal work that's most times only 3-6 month's long.

You could say we are forced to be neet's whenever tourist season isn't ongoing.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 18 points 1 month ago

Most times neet's are people with mental health issues or depression also.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Or you live in a country that purelly doesn't care about it to the point you can have a seedbox running 24/7 throught your network.

Bonus points if it also shows your "location" to be 100km away. To the point that it sometimes shows you to be in another country next to your.

Another point when it changes your public ip address dailly.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 18 points 2 months ago

For me, the plasma 6 implementation misses nothing. Multiple monitors work with no issues, and every program I could run works with no issues.

My main problem is that none of the tiling wayland compositors ( hyprland for example ) work well with multiple monitors. My usecase is to keepcmy laptop's monitor in clamshell mode and just use the external one, but I tend to if I leave for a long time to turn off the monitor since plasma can't turn it off the output for powersaving by itself for weird reasons and plasma 6 kwin will corectly start up on the monitor if I turn it on.

Compositors like hyprland for soke reason won't and will ontly show blank screen and not even allow me to change to another tty, effectively freezing my system.

But I got used to the way plasma works, made it work similary to a tiling wm for the virtual desktops and placing speficifc windows in specific virtual desktop and stuff like that, so I get the benefits of a good stacking (floating) wayland compositor with robust virtual desktops support.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 19 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm not even on that side of the earth.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yea, gotta send my maintainer some money.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Average linux user managing his dotfiles.

Yes I'm guilty of that, only thing more I know is creating new branches.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 19 points 4 months ago

Or piped, depending on what you prefer.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 18 points 5 months ago

Great to see another dev'd take up the mantle.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 17 points 6 months ago

I just stopped caring. I just want a meal a day and do stuff to not be bored.

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 19 points 6 months ago

I'm just faster in the terminal than a gui

[-] crony@lemmy.cronyakatsuki.xyz 23 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

At some point my arch system was more than half aur git packages.

So I just nooved to gentoo now and wait 5 hours for qtwebengine to compile for qutebrowser.

Don't regret it.

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