Monster Sanctuary! And helldivers 2

[-] 34 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I recently interviewed for a software job where they want you to work at least 12 hours per day.

During the first interview, I had asked about work-life balance, too, and the HR rep said, "well I'm not an engineer, so I'm not sure." And then after my fourth interview, she goes, "just so you know, this will be a high intensity position. There is not much of a work/life balance.

People who feel this way might do well to add some adventure into their lives. It doesn't need to be expensive. Walk or bike somewhere new. Try new foods. Blast some lines off a hooker's massive fake tits, and blow a load all over her face. You know, the basics of a healthy life.

Just take that $22 per month and invest it instead. You'd come out on top

Crazy how enthusiastic everyone here is about some rich guy telling us what we are allowed to eat.

He probably flies private and eats a steak every day.

People on Lemmy don't get jokes

Yeah I just was forced to quit after putting in 10 hours a day for 5+ years at a company. It caused health problems and is definitely not worth it. Put the extra time into YOUR OWN projects instead of someone else's.

[-] 19 points 2 months ago

I'm going through it right now. Got a good review, but was demoted, but they didn't expect me to actually stay, so they are forcing me to quit

[-] 46 points 2 months ago

Where can I find this fungus?

[-] 12 points 3 months ago

I only recently got into feet. Idk what changed

[-] 17 points 3 months ago

I just post everything on my nudes account, I don't care haha

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