[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 37 points 3 days ago

Between this and Israel, the American military industrial complex is well fed and well employed. “More war” they say

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Took me two reads but it made me snort. God damn that’s clever.

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

My reaction to it was weird. I was kind of digging it for the most part in the beginning thinking I’d get hooked like I did with Ori.

But that never happened and somewhere mid game it just felt like it was dragging, the characters felt stale, and it seemed difficult for the sake of being difficult instead of clever. I struggle enjoying games that require perfectly timed button press combos. I even went back and tried it again like a month ago and had the same experience.

That’s not a knock on the game, of course. It’s a huge fan fave for a reason but it’s just not my preference.

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 24 points 4 days ago

I visited a few out of mindless curiosity and ignorance. I have no idea wtf I read and now the FBI is after me…

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

For something that I really hesitated to post, that was really encouraging to hear. Thanks!

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

I hated Hollow Knight. I decided I wanna try Sekiro and I’m waiting for it to go on sale (who knows when). But this? Man I want to play this. It looks incredible and has amazing sound design.

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago

I know that feeling all too well. Funny enough, I’d thought about going into software dev because I thought it’d let me work alone more comfortably. Along the way I found a way to learn dev but apply it to my job instead, making me pretty unique at what I do. It lets me innovate, do deep research, and work on my own while being pretty openly anti-social. Luckily I have a boss who sees the value in me.

I can’t tell you the number of once-interns and junior managers, stuck-in-a-rut folks, that I’ve quietly influenced to senior or higher positions. It really does feel incredible! I call it “leading from the back.” I’ve been wanting to write a book on it - the introverts and individual-contributors who quietly (and happily) influence without being seen.

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

This would make an incredible stop motion. The mind reels with story potential.

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 18 points 4 days ago

New rare insult just dropped

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago

How…how does this become a habit?

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 51 points 4 days ago

Not an academic, but this is spot on for how I’ve felt as a top performer getting nowhere. This realization helped me reorient my aspirations to what I find truly matters to me: my family and hobbies. I’m a solid individual contributor. Over the years, my work has saved us millions and been adopted across the country, which is reward enough. The speaking engagements and schmoozing, I’ll leave that to the extroverts in the boys club.

Le Tigre - TKO (youtu.be)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by clearedtoland@lemmy.world to c/mildlyinteresting@lemmy.world

Edit: Article with some background and history on her + a better and longer YT vid (hilariously titled “The Weaker Sex”)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by clearedtoland@lemmy.world to c/homeimprovement@lemmy.world

Our laundry room sink has this bizarre attachment to to the back of the drain line clean out. It would almost seem like it was or is supposed to be a vent. Recently it’s started to give off a foul sewer smell when our washing machine rinses.

Can I safely plug it? Maybe remove it if I can manage to pry it off? When I asked our plumber what it was, he just smirked and said it was a “crazy thing.”


Anyone have resources for finding book summary pdfs? I have Blinkist already.

I am interested in Shortform but they never run any discounts. Their summaries are fantastic.


1950s house with block foundation. I’ve patched these areas with hydraulic cement. That didn’t work so I stripped and cleaned the areas thoroughly then repatched. It improved but still getting lots of leaking where the foundation and floor meet or just above.

The main trouble spot sits next to the water heater where some old oil tank lines were. Can I safely cut those out with an angle grinder and try to patch that up? There’s a giant concrete hump that encases them where the water leaks over too.

Our exterior is naturally moist. We’ve got a sump pump, French drain, gutters discharges all well away from the house. Short of digging up and putting in new footer tiles (which I definitely can’t afford now), I’m at a loss.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Waterproof paint? Block filler?

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

[-] clearedtoland@lemmy.world 269 points 6 months ago

My god. This deliciously tasty excerpt:

In various campaign biographies, a résumé and interviews, Mr. Santos said he graduated from Baruch College in New York City, where he was a volleyball star on a championship team. He boasted of working at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs and amassing personal wealth. He claimed to be descended from Holocaust refugees; that his mother was in the World Trade Center during the Sept. 11 attacks; and that he lost four employees in the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando.

None of those claims were true.

IYKYK (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago by clearedtoland@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
Every time! (i.imgur.com)
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