Deer Brandun,

Dont wayk up eric. He's asleep under the big desk.

Luv, Donald

PS: Those depends in the side drawer are Melanias. I dont use them. Never bought them before. Dont rly know what there for.

Are the SMT games not on Nintendo's radar? Like, does Id get to sue anyone who makes a FPS?

[-] 11 points 3 hours ago

You lost me in the second half.

[-] 15 points 5 hours ago

While I agree, Nintendo as a corporate entity sucks major balls, "nothing of value in at least a decade" is patently false.

  • One of the best selling consoles of all time that also signalled a hardware paradigm shift to popularize hybrid consoles/handhelds
  • BOTW
  • TOTK
  • Mario Odyssey
  • Metroid Dread
  • Smash Ultimate
  • Fire Emblem
  • Xenoblade

Like, yuzu wouldn't have been such a smash hit if Nintendo was releasing value-less titles.

[-] 33 points 5 hours ago

I want to believe this is real, but I'm having trouble deciphering how one would "solve" this equation given no variable is referenced outside of the question and k is already isolated and terms simplified.

[-] 6 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

If mainstream blogs are writing about it, what would make someone think that AI companies haven't thoroughly dissected the problem and are already working on filtering out AI fingerprints from the training data set? If they can make a sophisticated LLM, chances are they can find methods to XOR out generated content.

Posting it once will reinforce any feelings of resentment your child has for you. Tread carefully. Technology was not meant to replace common sense child rearing.

I'm sure they've convinced themselves that it's the "woke mob" that will unjustly cancel them like they did the kind chaps carrying tiki torches in Charlotte. /s

They teach kids in school that cops are your friends, which you would think is some kind of state sanctioned indoctrination program, but it's actually just naiveté on the part of the educators. If you meet a cop, does it feel like they're your friend, or does it feel like someone puffing up their chest to try and intimidate you even when you've done nothing wrong?

You're correct. It does meet the definition of combustion. I misspoke. The post claims that cells are being set on fire. That claim is categorically untrue.

[-] 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Cell respiration and oxidation involves exactly zero forms of ~~combustion~~ fire.


That's a lot of shit to carry. From 1993 Issue #10 of Mondo 2000.

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