[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 5 points 6 months ago

I went to the study, and that's the global market size for all sex toys annually, and just eyeballing another chart, butt plugs might be 10% of that. So butt plugs are around $3 or $4 Billion. On the bright side, unlike AI safety, butt plugs actually serve a function.

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 5 points 6 months ago

Tuesday June 25 - Mustafa Suleyman calls web content "freeware" in front of God and everybody at the Aspen Ideas Festival.

Thursday June 27 - Mother Jones sues Microsoft. I'm sure that their lawyers are thrilled.

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 6 points 6 months ago

Same here - I had a very small universe curated for myself. I didn't leave immediately, but when I did, there were a whole lot more weird ads and bots and stuff in my feed. I think that I only ever saw prøn once, and I was actually shocked that it even existed on Twitter.

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 0 points 6 months ago

Hard to know if "Contovicsy" is an AI in-joke or a Grauniad in-joke. Or neither.

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 1 points 6 months ago

Starting a wall of text with a non sequitur is a bold strategy. I cannot follow his 9/11 logic at all.

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 0 points 8 months ago

“Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen.

10/10, no notes

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 1 points 9 months ago

At the risk of kind of picking around the edges here ... something caught my eye in #5:

Michael successfully alerted me to the fact that crime has risen by a factor of ten over the past century, which seems REALLY IMPORTANT and nobody else is talking about it and it seems like the sort of thing that more people than just Michael should be paying attention to.

This claim is ridiculous. The homicide rate in the US was something like 30 or 40 per 100,000 people in colonial times, reducing every century, and it's around 5 right now, since the increase from the 1960s - 1990s has gone back down.

Maybe, in the past 100 years, we have passed so many bajillion new statutes that it has increased crime tenfold, but that's not what the reactionaries are saying at all.

[-] carlitoscohones@awful.systems 1 points 10 months ago

My first response would be “that’s a rather shite superpower then, innit?”

I was thinking the same, especially if it only works on busses.

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