[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago

Not every state. This is Texas. I'm in California and my kid went to school with shoulder length hair that was half blue. My relatives in Texas kept asking what the school was doing about it. There's nothing on the books about hair and the principal said it looked cool. Hair has always been a control issue in bible thumping communities, which I thankfully am no longer around.


This sign is close to a machine cleaning trash and other debris from a canal. Snakes accidentally get scooped with the debris and slither over the side.

Dude, Stahp (lemmy.world)
Yellow jellyfish (lemmy.world)

Osaka Aquarium

Gossamer jellyfish (lemmy.world)

Still from "Antarctic Treasure: The Underwater Images of Norbert Wu"

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by blueskiesoc@lemmy.world to c/jellyfish@lemmy.world

Update: Found the original source, the photographer Arne Kuilman. Link to his Flickr page.

meme pants (lemmy.world)

Text from https://justbirding.com/what-birds-mate-for-life/

Black Vulture

Latin name: Coragyps atratus

Unique romantic feature: Fight for fidelity

Where they are found: From the southeastern USA to South America

Size: Length: 22 to 29 inches (56 to 74 cm); Weight: 2.6 to 4.3 pounds (1.18 to 1.95 kg): Wingspan: 4.4 to 5.5 feet (1.34 to 1.68 m)

Diet: Carrion

~~Black vultures prove you don’t have to be beautiful to enjoy a committed, long-term relationship.~~ Um, rude.

Looking dressed more for a funeral than a wedding, these scavenger birds feature all-black plumage with bumpy, featherless grayish-black heads, and short, hooked beaks.

Found in open habitats and along roads from the southeastern United States to South America, black vultures are all about family life. They form bonds that last their whole lives (about 10 years).

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by blueskiesoc@lemmy.world to c/vultures@lemmy.world

photo by Kevan Cooke on Flickr

More memes, please (lemmy.world)
[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

What a wackadoodle. Wish everyone would stop talking about him so he could evaporate.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 60 points 10 months ago

Remember kids, don't let the news tell you how to feel. Watch out for words in the title like "outrage" and "furious". Anger increases engagement and they know it.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago
[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

My mom. Super skinny her whole life. People thought she took care of herself, but I knew that she forgot to eat for days.

I used to think that would be nice. I have the other end of it where I am constantly nibbling for dopamine hits.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

I never manage to do it more than about 3 weeks before my brain just completely shuts off that pathway and it’s like I forget that process exists altogether.

This is me. How can you just "forget" something you've developed into a routine and done daily for a month? I do though. Shit.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago

I am not every ADHD person, but this could have been written by me. I had NO IDEA that you could have something be so ingrained that you don't think about it. Even if I develop a "routine" of doing something, it is NEVER automatic. I have to put mental effort, even if small, into every task or it won't get done.

After reading this my definition of habit would be better termed routine. I develop a routine and I try to stick to it. Also I could have a great routine and it lasts for a month or so and then it's just, I don't know what else to call it but 'gone'. It's gone. That routine is gone.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 15 points 10 months ago

Start posting. Really. I've been posting to keep communities I like going and others have started posting too. It's slow growth, but the more content a community has, the more people will sub to it and eventually post to. Anyway, that's my opinion.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 50 points 11 months ago

I'm doing my part. I had two posts on Reddit. One was superniche and got 30ish points. Whatever, I was happy. It had useful info for the other people on the sub. Then I posted something to the broader community and got two downvotes in like 1 second, killing it. How did they even look at it? I think someone was sitting there gleefully downvoting every fucking thing. I never posted again.

I've been here since mid June and have made 264 posts, like WTF. I'm having more fun here than I ever did on Reddit and I don't get that sick feeling I used to get from seeing all the outrage posts and mean comments (to everyone, not just me).

Loving Lemmy.

[-] blueskiesoc@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago

100% agree

In her hospice care centers, Mother Teresa practiced her belief that patients only needed to feel wanted and die at peace with God — not receive proper medical care — and medical experts went after her for it.

In 1994, the British medical journal The Lancet reported that medicine was scarce in her centers and that patients received nothing close to the treatment that they needed to relieve their pain.

Meanwhile, some doctors took to calling her missions “homes for the dying” since her Calcutta home for the sick had a mortality rate of more than 40 percent. But in her view, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In response to all the criticism, Mother Teresa allegedly said, “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.


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