Your borderline illiteracy makes me wonder if you're actually in school or just some basement dwelling bottom feeder trying to understand how anything outside of your dumpster impacts anything.
LMAO you just get cuter and cuter don't you lil guy
I'm sure you have buddy. Keep telling yourself that.
Then do something. Get off your keyboard and do something. Prove me wrong. Please, I want you to. But you won't.
I agree. Would help if the party didn't accept corporate money, like the Sander campaign before the DNC fucked him over.
This is a take I actually agree with you on. Complacency is this country's biggest flaw and why shit has cranked so hard to the right. But people need leaders with plans and social skills. In the same breath of saying inaction is deadly, so is unorganized action. That's how movements die. Remember occupy Wall Street? Favorite example.
Removing yourself from the nation? So your idea is to just remove what blue voters are left? Also do you have sources to back up your claims about economic power? California is a massive powerhouse but many other blue states just aren't. Like Oregon.
Cool bro what a sound plan. I bet you feel important. If you want to actually try and implement change you need to either organize with a plan, leadership and support. Or you need to link up with orgs that exist. This kind of keyboard warrior justice is unbelievably irritating to see.
Bullshit like this always pisses me off. You look at the comments, no plan, no organization nothing but more pretty words. Keyboard jockey neo-liberals.
If you want to "resist", go outside and organize with existing groups and participate. Don't just talk about how cool it would be if we "stuck it to the man" and leave it there. Just saying "we should strike" doesn't mean a fucking thing. Lots of people, myself included, can't afford to strike. I could lose my job, then my home. Get real dude. Don't just make half assed posts without any plans or actionable steps to jerk yourself off.
Isn't voting a way to participate? Is there a way to semi-lock the community instead so random drifters don't come in a vote bomb?