If I connect to the ws tracker wanting to download an info-hash, will seeding clients receive my leech status bypassing the NAT immediately, or is there still some announce interval?



[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 20 points 9 months ago

What are talking about? $$ is the way to go :D

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 18 points 9 months ago

Not my wife😭

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 52 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Naming a release code name after him/her?

Thank you for correcting my life in many ways, here's the cumulative bugfix release:

FreddyCLI 1.1.3 [Lisa]

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

We just created (1 hour ago) a pull request to the TorrentPier (public tracker engine which Rutracker and many other trackers use). It took 2-3 hours.

Only hybrid torrents allowed currently (torrents containing both v1 and v2 inside)

Ready abilities:

  • Show file hashes in file list
  • Show v2 hash inside magnet links
  • Removed displaying paddings (.pad folder) and counting their sizes.

Tomorrow's pull request may contain:

  • Showing file names, hashes and sizes in a table for search indexers to index (any seo advices?)
  • Answer to v2 hash announces
  • Some styling corrections

Do you have any other ideas? Please comment.

TorrentPier is the first tracker engine which will release with BitTorrent v2!

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 21 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

No, not yet, this question was probably posted by me. I'm one of the provocators to switch to the new protocol.

The thing is the most tracker admins are:

  1. Too lazy to implement it.
  2. Have too little information about its benefits.
  3. Only heard downfalls associated by compatibility problems, which were exxagerated by people who don't like to update their software.

I even created a tool called tmrr. Which allows you to extract, compare and calculate file hashes (BTMR hash precisely — BitTorrent Merkle Root, hence it differs from a regular sha256) name for BitTorrent v2 compatible .torrents.

Which already shows some advantages of use of the protocol in user environment, like finding same torrents contents with different names, reviving dead torrents, preserving historical Internet artifacts' hashes.

The final feature I'm going to release is the ability to download torrents without duplicates (first time in the history of BitTorrent), saving time, storage and bandwidth. Imagine downloading site, page dumps, libraries, video/photo archives and other uncategorized materials without duplicate files.

Easily finding how much user storage specific game and its developers wasted due to ineffective coding.

This feature is ready, but there are some problems in libtorrent (library that qBittorrent uses), which should be fixed by the next release (this year probably) to make it work.

Hope this will get attention from users and accelerate the switch.

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 14 points 10 months ago

Cloudflare (American) is a cancer in this case, cause they have an auto-ban feature, which instantly checks hashes of files in a blacklist and warns domain admins with following ban of dashboard. And this not only goes to CSAM.

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 106 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The reason why people put uTorrent in memes is due to its recognition, let's change this, always create memes with qBittorrent

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 17 points 11 months ago

And I thought Javascript was working in the browsers, not servers, times are changing.


[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 10 points 11 months ago

I have 25Mbps, but unfortunately I don't have torrents which are seeded much, only rare

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 10 points 11 months ago

The original joke is from a russian stand up comedy called Comedy Club which Pavel Durov told if you didn't know.

[-] bear_with_a_hammer@lemm.ee 14 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

My geography teacher had a nice saying:

The Constitution is a contract between civilian and government about their obligations to each other.

Civilian must obey its rules, government on the other hand can choose to not to.

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