[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 15 points 2 days ago

That's the part that people don't get and is intentionally hard to find numbers on. The entire appeal was on it not being an influencer centric space. The entire value was always at odds with monetizing that value beyond it's upkeep and paying the people (who apparently aren't that many) a reasonable salary. It is the worst growth case you could have ever had.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

My dad was a farmer. I AM AN ORPHAN.

Edit: Ok, I feel bad. But like... I know one dumbass with a cough that won't go away (7 years and counting) because they wouldn't effing listen to me about DE, another who rolled his tractor on to himself and died. Don't take it lightly man. The bill always comes due. We all do what we have to, lord knows I've done some dumb shit, but it ain't cute to dismiss it.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

That and post-scarcity doesn't mean "zero scarcity". Like if someone wanted to create a picard funkpop the size of a planet, I don't think they'd be allowed the resource budget.

It's like how it doesn't matter where you live, if you want to buy on the silk road, you need bitcoin. Presumably even the federation can't just make latinum whenever they please, or we wouldn't see them haggle with it. Although, it would be fun to see that they could and just take the responsibility of not crashing non-federation cultures entire economies very seriously, either out of respect or treaty.

Damnit, I want a LD episode where the crew is frustrated and desperately wants to just "buy" their problem away but can't because an economist at command says it'll mean they have to rescue all these non-federation colonies that are currently self sufficient. Come to think of it it's right there with the "you break it you own it" concept of the prime directive.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Literally means “have you eaten”, except it doesn’t really require an answer.

Grandmothers in every culture

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Don't take it personally. The world is crazy right now and people (including me) get a little... defensive... from having to have more "I can't believe this is something I need to talk about" conversations than I think any of us ever anticipated. Looking at it again your word choice wasn't even off. Hope you're having a good day.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

It might be how it's written, but the way it works is people get shot for a bag of skittles.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

It gets even more complicated. Deer for instance, cause some property damage, sure but nothing like hogs obviously. HOWEVER, if there are to many, they'll eat up all sorts of plants all winter that other animals and insects depend on in the spring. When state environmental authorities set bag limits, it's not only to preserve a species, they're also depending on hunters to remove a certain amount.

Snow geese were a huge problem for a while because they'd migrate far up north, and spend all summer picking apart vegetation on small islands. Vegititaiton that takes forever to grow up there, and was important to making sure some of those islands didn't erode away... which they did. So near me while the daily bag limit for most birds was 2/day, for those snow geese it was like 25, with no limit on the season.

A good portion of what drives this are things like urban sprawl, etc, but there is no way to remove ourselves from the environment, which means we should do your best to maintain it. Most of these limits and programs are set by highly dedicated people who usually have advanced degrees in a field that pays very poorly. They do it because they care, so I tend to trust them.

I get hunting is unpalatable to a lot of people, but predation is an important part of how ecosystems balance. Left to their own devices these things certainly would stabilize, but the "new normal" may not be pleasant. Those plants excess deer population decimate over the winter may be important to an insect population, which is an important food source for a specific bird during it's migration, that is important to balancing a beetle that decimates a specific tree species later in that birds migratory path or something. So that deer population becomes important to several other species and ecosystems across a broad range.

I'm not really qualified to talk about specifics, but it was really eye opening talking to an ornithologist friend of mine.

edit: another for instance on deer: When tag limits are placed, you usually get something like 2 bucks and maybe 8 does or something (depending on region, what the environmental authority saw doing surveys etc). This isn't just to preserve bucks, it's also that environmentally, it's important to remove more does. Again my point being these hunting limits aren't just permission to a hunt a species, but a request that a species is hunted.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 10 points 6 days ago

Yeah like... Netflix has peering agreements and whatnot but.. It's not 2005.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 57 points 2 months ago

this thread is making me realize I'm clearly missing something. How do people actually use discord? Me and my friends basically use it as semi-permanent group chat. A few different topic areas, and no stupid android/ios compatibility issues. I'm also in two servers for some small clubs. Do people really use it the way they would lemmy/reddit?

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 49 points 3 months ago

So most fungi do have a lifespan, they have teleomere decay, and when you're cloning mushrooms (from propagating mycelia) you have to let them go to fruit (the part that looks like a mushroom) every now and then. It's a pain in the ass.

But like the other poster said, they play it fast and loose with which part you consider the "organism". My favorite thing is that they do cytosolic streaming. Genetics can be a pain on mushrooms because not only do they share nutrients and metabolic burden through mycelia, they can share nuclei.

One of the weird convienent realities we used extensively is that cells are big enough you can spread them over a petri dish with a little loop, and if you diluted the initial sample enough, the colonies that developed were, practically speaking, from one parent cell. So you could try to modify a bunch, and then plate them (spreading the cells around) and pick individual colonies that were all clones from a single parent. Fungi mycelia means the nucleus isn't stuck in one cell. It also means expression levels can be variable (some cells will have multiple nuclei, and then later maybe they don't).

Fungi are a godamn pain in the ass to study. They're not mysterious, they're not alien, they're just fucking assholes.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 42 points 7 months ago

Restaurants have notoriously thin margins. I'm not defending this bill, and there are definitely awful practices out there, but it ain't easy. Even a $34 dollar steak only kind of covers all the ancillary costs that make it happen.

The biggest issue with the crunch we have going on is that food (prepared or otherwise) should be way more expensive, and that shouldn't be an issue because most people should be making way more money. All of those should/shouldn'ts got way out of whack over the course of decades, and the circus only continued because people found crappy ways to keep it going.

It's a lot of industries. Construction is a great example. The developers make money. The material vendors make money. The builders make money. The sub contractors who actually put the parts together get haggled on invoices and take the lower amount because they have payroll to make and equipment loans to pay. Loans that are happily given out because the equipment can be easily repossessed.

It's a very good thing everything is correcting, but it's going to be an ugly process as workers get their due and pass the burden on to the small business owners.

[-] batmaniam@lemmy.world 46 points 10 months ago

Yeah, that one hit me weird also. Like there's videos of him doing installs and stuff at other employees houses, so maybe that's just a culture thing, but it's still weird. Like can you imagine one of the late-night folks making a joke about how the cue card guy screwed up installing his dishwasher, but not meaning it as a joke? Like you don't screw with peoples livelihood.

Like if you had a glass instsall company, and some of your employees did a sloppy job on your personal shower door, you might have a talk with them, implement an improvement plan, etc because it affects clients experiences. What you wouldn't do is put them on blast for views. And that's only because it's relevant to their actual work. Last I checked LTT doesn't offer install services.

submitted 10 months ago by batmaniam@lemmy.world to c/plex@lemmy.ca

I was wondering if anyone bumped into this. I noticed random jumps (1-3seconds) in playback when playing original quality. Definitely not buffering or performance lag, just an actual playback error. Jump was at the same spot anytime I loaded the media and regardless of what time I loaded it to.

Which is curious because on playing the file with a different media player on the box it was on, zero issue what so ever.

Disabling direct stream option (under debug) resolved it, and there doesn't seem to be much of a performance hit, I'm just curious what's going on here.

submitted 10 months ago by batmaniam@lemmy.world to c/debian@lemmy.ml

Running Bookworm, Plasma DE if that's relevant.

Background: I'm learning here. Decent amount of coding and embedded hardware experience but I'm usually missing one or two key concepts with this stuff.

Getting a box running, and wrestling with NVIDIA drivers. I successfully installed the driver (I think), but now lightdm isn't working. From what I read it appears there's a common issue around a race condition where lightdm tries to fire up before the drivers ready, so I need to add the nvidia driver to initramfs.

Can anyone give me some pointers? Specifically while I get the above:

  1. I'm not sure what modules need to be added and if they're named something specific for debian vs other distros
  2. The correct file to modify
  3. The correct format/syntax that needs to be added

I've found lots of examples, just none specific to debian, and screwing around at this level I don't want to bork something enough I need to do a bare install.

Thanks for any help!

submitted 10 months ago by batmaniam@lemmy.world to c/plex@lemmy.ml

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I have a pretty beefy PC I use as a server and HTPC. 24 2.5ghz cores, 64gb ram, kind of a crappy video card, debian 11. I just migrated all my stuff over and stress tested it supporting 8 different transcribed streams simultaneously (mix of in/out of local). That worked great.

BUT, the video playback is choppy (as in frame skipping) and out of sync when I'm running the HTPC program. Oddly using the web client on the same machine avoids that issue.

Any thoughts? I'm wondering if it might be that it's an older TV it's plugged into and there's some issue there. Thing is, like I said, the webclient its worlds better. Webclient seems to have some issues but I'm pretty sure that's just due to the TV.

Any pointers are helpful! I'm OK at this stuff but very much learning.


Basically title. I remember reading about it back in like 2018, I even remember a company that would provide crypto based on the amount of traffic you let through. Just curious if that ever saw any growth.

Everything I google keeps bringing up things on the darkweb. The goal of this was explicitly to go "ISP-less". Like they envisioned mesh net covering giant swathes of space.

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