Agreed, started seeing toxic Redditors pop up here. It's good though that there are a lot more people that call this out. Hopefully that's enough to change those people

So we need to make it easier for mods to moderate? Better Modtools?

[-] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Incredible. We went from why people use dog leads with grenades as a genuine question to attacking people.

Wait no way this is real 💀

When you accidentally search something up out of curiosity and then people think you're weird 💀

Honestly, it's just that journalists want to make Elon Musk look like the bad guy. And thank you so much for taking the time to write this out so that it is far more obvious what's happening because it's just so confusing what they're saying

Exactly. That should always be up to the business if I remember correctly back in the day they used to give less wages to waiters because the owners knew they would get tips

wait basically, they are trying to justify anything to attack you with when they are losing. no way you should stop, just keep slaying them in the arguments.

"What about my yachts? I need to see them slaving their lives away for my holiday!!!!!!!!!"

For me it has to do with this

  1. I want a feed that updates based on my subscription
  2. That subscription content could be anything, blog posts, updates on a Wikipedia page (to keep up to date with a news story that is out of the limelight), or get updated with a XKCD comic

RSS meets both these, dead simple. It's also low in data usage, but it's for those reasons that I recently started using RSS after leaving it years ago.

P.S. I believe some blame goes toward "fragmentation", i.e. we still need to check a couple of websites for something new. RSS solves that by bringing all that into one place

Yeah honestly these are some great points, and really it's one of these reasons as to why I just dislike modern journalism today with the headlines as such.

Fun fact: it was invented by Roberto Nevilis, who did it to punish students who didn't understand much of the content/did not want to understand much of the content. However I suppose he didn't expect teachers to use this globally.

I do agree with your points above and who knows, maybe chatgpt will finally force schools to be reinvented and remade for the next generation to be more engaging.

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