[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

Ranch water made from Topo Chico lime + Pantalones Tequila. But I prefer the black peppery hints of Don Julio, so I tried dropping a few whole black peppercorns in the bottle of Pantalones, and I think it actually got the flavor closer to where I wanted it. Or maybe it was in my head.

Anyways, cheers!

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

One down, one to go. Who Will it be?


This faceted structure that I think is sound baffling always catches my eye when I go to concerts there. The angles catch the stage light in different ways. I wonder how many others stare at this stuff.

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 62 points 2 months ago

"it's a car, not a church."

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 74 points 4 months ago

That's what I thought of, at first. Interestingly, the judge went with the angle of the chatbot being part of their web site, and they're responsible for that info. When they tried to argue that the bot mentioned a link to a page with contradicting info, the judge said users can't be expected to check one part of the site against another part to determine which part is more accurate. Still works in favor of the common person, just a different approach than how I thought about it.

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 165 points 4 months ago

"Flipper Zero can't be used to hijack any car, specifically the ones produced after the 1990s, since their security systems have rolling codes," Flipper Devices COO Alex Kulagin told BleepingComputer.

"Also, it'd require actively blocking the signal from the owner to catch the original signal, which Flipper Zero's hardware is incapable of doing.

Just politicians trying to appear to be doing something so they can keep their jobs.

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 72 points 4 months ago

Many outlets' stock photos for their version of this story are of much, much heftier towers than what was actually stolen. CNN's story has what they attribute as a photo of the actual shack and the base of the tower. It's still a pretty amazing story, nonetheless.

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 130 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This interpretation is valid. But I recently learned to see it a different way.

If you'll humor me, please consider this. Since Santa knows if you've been "bad or good," he knows the other reindeer have been bullies to poor Rudolph. And, while a red glowing nose is cool, it's not a useful fog light. It's just not.

So Santa "uh oh!" had an emergency where, for the first time ever, the fog was going to be too thick all over the world to deliver presents?

Nope, he set up Rudolph in a position to "lead" his peers in a situation that maybe needed a little help but was not, in any way, a true, worldwide magic-assed Santa emergency. Santa knew how to guide his reindeer to accept each other. The story of Rudolph was not about Rudolph doing something to prove himself. It was about recognizing a Rudolph in need and helping him rise to the occasion to bring him closer to his peers in a way that could heal division.

Rudolph isn't about how to triumph as a Rudolph. It's about how to be a good Santa.

(Edit: For everyone who already thought this was obvious in the story, thanks for letting this Rudolph have his epiphany anyway.)

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 62 points 6 months ago

The heaviest sentence was given to an adolescent who was formally given a 6-month prison sentence, although he should be able to serve this at home while under electronic surveillance.


[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 64 points 7 months ago

Lights have to get smarter. Right on red is half the traffic flow in my area.* I always see so many situations where a green turn arrow would be appropriate, and yet the intersection is relying on the right-on-red rule instead, causing each car to pause when it should be flowing through. And even more situations where a light always stops the majority direction of traffic on what must be a fixed timer that poorly syncs with some upstream lights, because it always seems to turn red as a clump of cars arrives, even when there's almost always no cross traffic. Maybe right on red is more dangerous in some places, and we can get rid of it, but we have to replace it with some actual civil engineering instead of making traffic even worse.

*±100% margin of error, sample size 1

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 92 points 8 months ago

"Lake Drunkies and Junkies" would've been more fun.

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 161 points 8 months ago

Have we given up pointing out that a billionaire's legal troubles are not technology?

[-] atx_aquarian@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Some evangelical pastors who regularly deliver sermons in support of school prayer have recently added a new twist — preaching that Christian traditions are needed in classrooms to stop children from identifying as transgender.

Or, in other words, without cult brainwashing, people might enjoy more freedom to be themselves.


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