
joined 1 month ago
[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Armed resistance, as it always has, can only actually come from the military. They are bound by oath to constitutional defense. So... maybe?

But IRL, if you look at history, civil unrest does not stop these things. They are stopped ultimately by wars with foreign militaries. All successful revolutions have monied and powerful interests backing them. You and I aren't doing anything without joining a state sponsored militia. That's just how the game of history is played. I opt out. I'd rather live in the woods than fight in a civil war.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago

TBH dude, data privacy only exists when you destroy your technology. If you are on a cellular network, or drive a car, you are tracked. Your home is registered with the state, the traffic cameras know where you go, your phone sends signals that can track you, and they can since 9/11 get your call data.

The trick here is to simply learn how to protest in a world where you are tracked. Your ideas are as good as mine to figure out how to do that. I genuinely don't believe you can anymore.

Tech unions now

So they are mass murderers. Good thing they didn’t rob a convenience store or they’d be in jail for life.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

This is literally just a tokenization artifact. If I asked you how many r’s are in /0x5273/0x7183 you’d be confused too.

How are they gonna block tor? Does tor even use dns? And people just make a new random name every month so they don’t get cut.

So something I want to point out: plain text encryption exists. Cyphers and the like. You could have your instance use all the standard stuff but with a really hard cypher, and it would work everywhere. Then you just need a front end to read it… but then the cops could read it… oh public encryption makes no sense.

Secure Scuttlebutt is the way

However, if they become regulars, I think they eventually find communities they’d rather identify with.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

You just ate garlic straight? Never heard of that.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

When you get all 350 million people to riot I'll be on your side. But laying low is a more likely to succeed option. This country has never been fair or politically good. I prepared for this, because I could see it coming.

I literally pay taxes, that's paying the thugs not to rob you. It works well in Japan too, their thugs will defend your shop.

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