[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 1 points 1 hour ago

So you haven't seen, for example, Cowboys From Hell by Pantera or Weathered by Creed, then? I don't think Vs is a particularly bad album cover, especially by comparison to those. The photography is fine. Maybe it's not your average Hipgnosis cover, but it's ok.

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 2 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, that's a really weird way to finger a G major. I will play it with my second finger on the third fret of low E, first finger on the second fret of A, third finger barred across B and high E at third fret. If I'm playing a song that requires certain chord changes (like the way Wonderwall drops from G major to a G/F# to an Em7 to a Dsus to an A7sus) I will use third and fourth finger on the high strings instead of the barre because it's easier to move the root notes around that way.

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 1 points 2 hours ago

Anything from Neutral Milk Hotel's album In an Aeroplane Over the Sea. The whole album is Guitar 101.

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago

It's very, very costly, both but the hardware and the electricity it takes to run it. There may be a bit of sunk cost fallacy at play for some, especially the execs who are calling for AI Everything, but in the end, in AI doesn't generate enough increase in revenue to offset its operational costs, even those execs will bow out. I think the economics of AI will cause the bubble to burst because end users aren't going to pay money for a service that does a mediocre job at most things but costs more.

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago

First, I didn't say the people shouldn't be respected. I said faith shouldn't be. It's the worst, least reliable way to draw conclusions about the world. A method that only ever produces falsehoods is not respectable. Why should I respect it?

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 7 points 6 days ago

Why should faith be respected?

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 97 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Official statement on the matter reads:

All students are treated equally at MCA...

Except this case proves that to be a lie. I'm sure there were boys in suits there. Unless boys are also required to wear dresses? If that's not the case, then this is a clear case of one student being treated differently from others.

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 56 points 1 month ago

So the church was homophobic a decade ago and then fought to protect their legal right to make an example of that homophobia to the children they're supposed to be stewarding into the world for a full decade and now rest their case on homophobia... "Why are our attendance numbers dropping? Could it be that we're completely out of touch with reality? No, it's reality that is wrong."

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 97 points 2 months ago

Two protestors who were chanting were taken away in handcuffs, according to The Bloomingtonian. Authorities haven’t said whether they will face charges.

What charges? For chanting? Isn't chanting free speech? Were they creating a blockade? Were they causing harm to someone? Or just vocalizing dissent?

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 57 points 6 months ago

The article asks what is the politically neutral answer to the question of whether a trans woman is a woman. I wonder why this is a political question at all. Send like a question for scientists - biologists and sociologists and such. Seems they have achieved something like a consensus on the matter. I don't see anything inherently political about that, except that folks of a certain political bent have made it political. It's not a matter of "what do we do in public policy about trans people" but "fascists refuse to accept trans people in society and have decided to lambast and punish them".

In case my position isn't obvious, trans people are people and trans rights are human rights. If there wasn't a group of people trying to make them into a second class group of citizens (or a group of "eradicated vermin") we wouldn't be having a political conversation about this at all.

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 107 points 8 months ago

Did not read the entire article, but the first thing that stands out to me is the survey question itself:

Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.

This language is extremely in line with fascistic rhetoric. So the people agreeing to this are likely Trump supporters. Maybe this is a good thing that most people think democracy is in trouble but only 23% of them think fascism is the solution.

submitted 9 months ago by aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee to c/imadethis@lemm.ee

I like the flow state I get into when I'm focusing on small detailed things.

submitted 11 months ago by aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee to c/music@beehaw.org

Fight the real enemy

[-] aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee 69 points 11 months ago

I'll go even further and say that meeting the needs of a population is the only point of having a society at all.

submitted 11 months ago by aphlamingphoenix@lemm.ee to c/support@lemm.ee

Using a desktop browser, I click "Communities" in the top-left, taking me to https://lemm.ee/communities Now I see a list of communities, and I can filter by those I'm subbed to, those on the local instance, and "all" federated communities. This all works well. However, I would like to sort this list by the number of subscribers. The column header changes the mouse cursor so it looks clickable, but nothing apparently happens. There are no messages in the JavaScript console, and no requests are made to the server.

So I dug in a little bit and found that the ListCommunities API call supports a "sort" field. However, the valid SortType values it refers to don't appear to align very well with the fields on the Communities page. I tried a handful of odd sort values in the URL like ?sort=Hot but they didn't change anything in the results.

Is this just a not-yet-implemented feature? If I were to raise an issue against the source code about this, what would be the appropriate codebase to do that in?

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