[-] anlumo@feddit.de 2 points 1 day ago

Ja, das hat eine von ihm bestellte Richterin sicher gestellt. So eine Bananenrepublik, dass seine eigene Richterin überhaupt so einen Fall bekommen kann.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 163 points 2 months ago

Using a Large Language Model for image detection is peak human intelligence.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 39 points 2 months ago

Yeah, this worked so well for XMPP when everybody federated with Gmail chat.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 36 points 6 months ago

As a web developer, Safari needs to either die in a fire or be transferred to a company that actually cares. It’s more than half a decade behind everybody else.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 61 points 7 months ago

Austria also has a law like that, and it has been a complete shitshow. There have been fines for someone wearing a scarf while riding a bike and for someone at work dressed up in a body suit in front of the shop for advertisement reasons (like a mascot).

When the law went into effect, the newspapers reported that there were about ten muslim women currently wearing coverings in the whole country.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 38 points 9 months ago

It also means that people who quit immediately lose their home. This is great for employee retention.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 37 points 9 months ago

The others are probably still busy installing the fax-to-toot gateways.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 233 points 9 months ago

Tesla should mill the car from one solid block of steel.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 51 points 9 months ago

You only have to cry once a day to power your contact lenses!

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 84 points 9 months ago

Based on the videos of near misses on YouTube, the safety margins are so enormous that even an event classified as near miss is not really recognizable by a layperson, because the two airplanes are nowhere near each other.

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 107 points 10 months ago

Does a CEO even know the value of $20 or $51? Isn't that the same as $0 to them?

[-] anlumo@feddit.de 63 points 10 months ago

Maybe they should have paid these people who run the company.

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