but i am growing up and besides i have no other way of talking,i'm sorry, i'm still learning too but thank you for the advice!!
joined 3 months ago
yes of course!!
most of the people i know are my same age or just a few years older, a very good friend of mine is 19 tho, and yea i think i look young, and i act ok, no swearing, stuff like that
threadiverse woa, i like group discussion but i guess you could have that in the uhhmmm twitterverse too tho
ok thanks, but i'm 21 yep!!
the long distance trips sure is true, my boyfriend really likes driving the car to other states and it takes a looong time, nice. thanks!!!
both are a fork of guhnome i think so!!
hi, merry christmas and i deeply apologize for not sending the wallpaper, i was busy but now i can yes!!! it's from one of my favorite games
ok sure!! i found it on reddit
boykisser profile picture!! and ok thank you!! i will think about it
i will not stop being a furry, i deeply apologize. i shall stop or at least try to stop saying the word "like". i am grateful and i appreciate it