[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 3 points 12 minutes ago

Terrible analogy.

This is the goddamn DNC's fault. They are allergic to supporting anyone that's not an old school establishment Democrat.

Give us a suitable candidate. Biden is too old and everyone knows it.

Give us someone that is actually progressive and that actually wants to help the American people. We have a few very obvious issues that neither of our geriatric overlords are addressing.

  1. ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE. This is the most important one. Just do something. Anything. Nothing is being done and it's getting hotter every year.

  2. Lower the cost of living. Rent is out of control. Food costs are out of control. It's hard to live right now. Protect US citizens from corporate greed.

  3. Fix the real estate market. Most of us will never be able to own a house because several corporations have been allowed to run amok. Make it so the average person can buy a house.

  4. Healthcare for all. It's not complicated.

  5. Stop the genocide.

Put someone forward with this obvious and simple platform, and I promise they win.

We are not married to Biden. Get us someone younger. Why is this so hard?

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 1 points 35 minutes ago

Democrats need to pull Biden and give us a candidate worth voting for.

Biden is not a suitable candidate. There is still plenty of time to get someone new.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 1 points 14 hours ago

Biden is simply not our best option.

What exactly makes a geriatric 81 year old the most fit person for the job?

There is plenty of time to get a new candidate.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 14 points 14 hours ago

Harris is a joke and a cop that made her name on being super hard on small criminal offenses.

She ain't it. I mean, have you heard the weird things that she says while she's speaking?

She's a terrible candidate. A somehow even worse Hillary.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 52 points 14 hours ago

This is some weird ass propaganda.

The best thing that Biden ever did was just to not be Trump.

Why are these memes so weirdly die-hard in the support of a man that is visibly unfit for the 4 years of presidency?

No one is actually excited about old Joe. It's just that he's simply not Trump.

It would be best if he steps down so that we can get a person in office that actually excites people for more than just not being the other guy.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 3 points 2 days ago

That makes no sense. Why can't we have a younger candidate? Then it would be a huge advantage for us.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 28 points 2 days ago

It's starting to feel like elder abuse.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 0 points 2 days ago

Are you really trying to act like Biden's age isn't a huge issue? Did you not see the same old man that the rest of us saw?

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 0 points 4 days ago

You don't get it.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 0 points 4 days ago

The difficulty is a huge aspect of the game design. It would kind of ruin the game if they took away difficulty.

That being said, Elden Ring already has mechanics to help mitigate difficulty via summons.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 23 points 4 days ago

Is the antisemitism in the room with us right now?

Cause it seems an awful lot to me like y'all are just calling anyone protesting what Israel is doing to Palestine antisemitic.

[-] abracaDavid@lemmy.today 121 points 1 month ago

So that's why his mask doesn't cover his mouth.

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