[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 24 points 2 months ago

This shit is just spam at this point

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 66 points 7 months ago

When are we going to start banning flavored alcohol like White Claw and Mike's while we're at it

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 22 points 7 months ago

Ok, so we've just never followed where the first amendment says there will be no national religion

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 29 points 9 months ago

When I couldn't just purchase a season of a tv show (Drag Race). You should just be able to buy a show or movie if you want to watch it.

The most recent season was exclusively on Paramount +. I guess they had exclusive right because it wasn't available anywhere else. It was 3.99/month with a discount so I figured I'd keep it as long as the season aired. I was fucking amazed that there could be twenty fucking commercials in an hour show. If I wanted to skip backward or forward I had to watch three more ads first. Two weeks before the season finale they raised the price to 5.99 so I cancelled it. I didn't need to watch it that badly. Their other content was shit, all nineties MTV and made for tv movies. When I signed up they advertised Yellowjackets so I was going to watch that. But no, that's another subscription to Showtime.

It was the cheapest subscription I've had but the most aggravating experience, because it's not about the money. It's about feeling like I'm getting fucked over with every goddamn thing I buy lately.

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 36 points 9 months ago

I'm buying a dvd player, fuck these greedy pieces of shit

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 24 points 10 months ago

So republicans are somehow against a program that provides HIV/AIDS medication to people in poor countries because it checks notes promotes abortion??

Republicans will say anything and do anything to make sure they hurt as many vulnerable people as possible.

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 26 points 10 months ago

Idk if there's any connection, but it is weird that the last writer's strike was in late 2007.

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 21 points 10 months ago

You know, I saw the story about the actors strike the day after it started on the NBC national news. It was about two minutes of the resporter telling the audience which shows they were going to be missing out on, like the next season of The Handmaid's Tale. It was so fucking blatantly one sided, to the point of just lying by omission. I'm not even sure they mentioned the AI issue. Of course no rational person should trust a TV network to give them unbiased, rational reporting about a fucking actors strike, but that's exactly where the average person is going to learn about it. And that's all that will come to mind - "oh no, my shows might take longer to come out."

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 29 points 10 months ago

If he could prove he was graduating in a matter of weeks then that's fucking ridiculous. I was accepted to grad schools before I even passed my final undergrad classes. It's just on a conditional basis, but nothing changed when I actually got the degree. Besides, there's time between the last classes ending and commencement, then months between commencement and getting the actual degree in the mail and your transcripts being updated.

I'm hope he feels like he dodged a bullet.

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 19 points 10 months ago

It's weird how I've seen several of these kinds of comments on lemmy recently. They're responding to a post that's pointing out an obvious social/political/economic problem by reducing it to the poster having some kind of personal mental health issue or accusng them of being stupid because they don't know enough about the issue to have a degree in it.

I don't think I've ever seen them anywhere else. Maybe they just always got buried on reddit, idk. But it's an interesting redirection that's a) super unproductive, and b) trying really hard to take focus off a very real social issue. "Your late stage capitalist country quickly descending into fascism? Have you considered Wellbutrin?"

[-] ZombieTheZombieCat@lemm.ee 22 points 10 months ago

"Post-birth abortion"

This shit is like an SNL parody of America

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